Changing Landscapes in South San Francisco; Our little town is growing

South San Francisco, CA   February 3, 2022 – ESC Correspondent, Allie 

In response to our Facebook post on the Changing Landscapes of our “Little Town,” many residents voiced their displeasure for the changing scenery.

A continuous complaint was the “gentrification” of South San Francisco and the issues residents have in affording to live here. In addition to the new “affordable” housing, crime has been on an upswing and many residents were sad to see what was once their “little town” grow into a sprawling nightmare with congested traffic and the shift from “suburban to urban.”

Changing landscapes mean less wildlife and more roads, less trees and more buildings. More urban development brings more pollution and noise. Residents bemoan the rising cost of water and sewer bills and the fear that there won’t be enough water available for all the new buildings to use.

Here are their comments:

Danna Harris
To bad my beautiful city

Rebecca Renteria
We are in an interesting place in SSF. All these apartments being built in hopes people want to live in them but yet the people who live in SSF can’t afford them. If you can afford that price point you want SF or further down the Peninsula where there is a “nightlife” to have dinner, drinks, community. The city is expecting people are going to want to live in SSF but there isn’t anywhere to spend your money, when your young you wanna live somewhere fun. And then the schools?!? No one paying 3K+ rent wants to send their children to subpar schools. It’s an interesting spot SSF is in…..

Brandie Nunziati
Those changing landscapes are quite the eyesore in my opinion and I’ve been living in South City my whole life.

Robert Jenkins
I guess the people in the city council, who have been here for maybe 15 years no a lot more than the rest of us we’ve lived here our whole lives and watch our town take a dive

Jennifer Smith
Robert Jenkins yes. They all just rotate places when terms are up. And they get money In their pockets

Felipe Victx
Jennifer Smith yup

Martha Gutierrez
Jennifer Smith interesting comments

Jennifer Smith
Martha Gutierrez pretty much true in the city we live in

Felipe Victx
Robert Jenkins yesss true
Felipe Victx
Take of YALL landscape es before I go break them

Felipe Victx

Felipe Victx
Go protest?

Felipe Victx
The easiest

Justin Guzman
You mean getting uglier and uglier…

Louise Pacheco
Shift from suburban to urban. The state is dictating to the cities “no more single family dwellings” Traffic and resources will be strained and none of it is affordable. They are building these stack and pack housing near public transportation in the hopes people will stop driving

Troy Pesutich

Mark Ambus
“Little town” ? Not anymore.

Debbie Hoska
Not happy … you think all buildings and no wildlife and more people is good!!! So city is not a nice place in my opinion anymore

Debbie Hoska
Thank god I have good neighbors… the hell with more unaffordable buildings!!!!!!!!

Felipe Victx
Debbie Hoska same

Lauren Lopiccolo
What’s so GOOD about it? Bcuz all your city council persons are getting their palms greased.
Oh yeah and can you tell me where the AFFOTDABLE housing is located?

Rich Jolynne
Lauren Lopiccolo Agree.

Felipe Victx
Lauren Lopiccolo no true

Felipe Victx

Debbie Hoska
Lauren Lopiccolo you got that right Lauren amd you and I have been here a long time

Blue Ellison
So happy I moved away over 30 years ago. My view now for last 30 years and will never change.

Evie Gonzalez
Blue Ellison unless there is a forrest fire

Blue Ellison
Evie Gonzalez at least we can rebuild. Can’t start over from drive by shooting. When your dead. And we are garanteed we will never have high rises blocking our views here.

Catherine Mc
Speaking of changing landscapes… what’s going on with the grove of trees on El Camino at the bottom of Arlington Dr., between El Camino and Old Mission Road. They have been cutting them down slowly probably in hopes that no one notices… I notice and it makes me not only sad, but sick to my stomach.

Debbie Hoska
Catherine Mc I agree Catherine

Debbie Hoska
Catherine Mc I sure hipe they don’t put apartments there..!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrt

Debbie Hoska
Catherine Mc and did you see the homeless girl walking up to go thru the cemetery… I was washing my car today long dreadlocks and filthy dirty

Yvonne Chamorro
Debbie Hoska well I guess when you’re homeless bathing is not a daily luxury.

Debbie Hoska
Yvonne Chamorro no it’s very sad and I would help her find or give her clean clothes

Raquel García
The correct title would be ‘destroying our little town’
But none of that matters here, except that it gives them enough income to continue living, I do not see any improvement in the parks, schools and community

Felipe Victx
Raquel García TRUE

Felipe Victx

Nick Delorio
More like your wallets but thanks for pretend caring, you can see the support in all the posts

Hollie Geneve
Too Bad !!!!

Lynn Carlson Bick

Janet Jaquith
Lynn Carlson Bick the chestnut area is going to be horrible for traffic

Lynn Carlson Bick
Janet Jaquith you know it !!

Kevin Pappas
How are we going to be able to satisfy all of their water needs. The cost for water and sewer fees are unbearable now. How will we the current residents have enough water to shower flush and cook. The city is cutting off their noses to spite their face. All for the money that these developers promise.

Jennifer Gardella
I got lost in my home town last time down!

Rosie Duenas
Really really bad, no more safe place!

Teddy Reese
To bad more crime now

Debbie Hoska
Teddy Reese yes way more crime and homeless people coming here from sf

Felipe Victx
Debbie Hoska yesss i know doe YALL want to protest?

Debbie Hoska
Felipe Victx not sure it would help they have their mind set..probably too late going to a city counsel meeting.. I’m also 65 not so sure protesting would help

Felipe Victx
Debbie Hoska I know but everyone might leave ssf in futre

Debbie Hoska
Felipe Victx a lot of people leaving

Rich Jolynne
Plus they are an eye sore. Less trees, less oxegen, more cars and congestion, more bad air quality and pollution.

Melodie Farrell
Yes, more crime, more traffic… Its not the wonderful city it used to be..

Felipe Victx
Melodie Farrell I know I would leave my city like this who remembers that one thing stores by el Camino there the best and they had a gas station they took it off 5 years ago!

Enrique René Salmerón

Felipe Victx
Enrique René Salmerón up

Kim Marenco
I liked the car wash.

Jimmy Sperow
My Dad had a bussines on El Camino in Buri Buri for over 25 yrs .. he said when kasier hosp was being bulit yrs ago was all from bribes .. he said he was done with S.S.F. ..

Kevin Bingham
Yup gonna look jus like SF pretty soon

Robert Bingham
Kevin Bingham So are we!

Felipe Victx
Kevin Bingham YESSS I THAT WHAT AM TRYING TO SAY!!! Am mad asf

Sergio Alvarez
All I want is affordable rent

Rich Jolynne
Sergio Alvarez they are not affordable

Sergio Alvarez
Rich Jolynne Never are

Bonnie Carrara
Not for the better.

Laura Bottarini-Hanley
Pretty sad.

Dee Dee Molina
Metropolis… more people need more homes. Supply and demand.

Loretta Fornaciari
Dee Dee Molina half the new units already built are still half empty

Dee Dee Molina
Loretta Fornaciari They will be filled in no time. The longer they are empty, hopefully they will reduce their prices!!!

Kevin Pappas
Dee Dee Molina water water water. That is the problem d all new hook up with no plan to supple enough water. They will raise rates and ration what’s available. Plan for a disaster in the future.

Loretta Fornaciari
The units on miller and airport are only half full and those two building are going on two years old. Do t hold your breath. Cheapest unit is $3,000. A mo th

Loretta Fornaciari
Kevin Pappas not only water but no place for people to shop without driving.

Dee Dee Molina
Kevin Pappas Okay. I was just stating that with more people are more homes… supply and demand. LOL I wasn’t stating whether it was positive or negative.

More residents commented on our Facebook post about this photo: on Gellert where Orchard Supply had been located previously

Readers commented:

Wendy Sinclair-Smith
I’d like to see the numbers after about ten years. Did the small strip mall and OSH bring in the same type of taxes. Also did the Dealership provide the community with similar satisfactory neighborhood amenities

Laura Garber
Back up.. I was raised in SSF, QFI .. I am Buri Buri Gal here…Woop Woop.. I miss the FOG over Sneath Lane Too,,

Cleobel Caylao
A dealership in that area? I don’t get it!
Business wise, it’s good for our city

Rex Margate
It’s an eyesore but as long as they didn’t touch the Kamameshi japanese food place I’m okay

Karen Davenport
It’s better than more of those hideous condos, blocking out views and sunlight.

Brijido Vega Jr.
Great tax revenue for south San Francisco! I wish Millbrae had some car lots

Rebecca Renteria
Just a reminder the Mercedes dealership is going to bring a lot of money to the city in the form of taxes. It’s a plus for SSF-think about all the value the dealerships have brought to Burlingame. Also it’s not going anywhere-Mercedes bought the land, spent millions to build/remodel the location. They closed the SF location and this location is now the Bay Area’s headquarters. They have brought in 24 hour private security-which will patrol the Safeway parking lot as well. The jobs they are providing. This is actually something good the city has done for once. We need more business opportunities in SSF.

Michelle Betancourt-Scott
Rebecca Renteria security? What security? I work at the Safeway next to the dealership and I haven’t seen any security.

Maryam I Khan
Could have redesigned that lot to have restaurants/local businesses share the view..
People test driving these cars are gonna enjoy all the potholes nearby and no one giving the right of way on Gellert/King

Kevin Chak
Maryam I Khan Having the exit enter the parking lot of Safeway was pure genius by the architect.

Vincent Lee
The landscaping for that storm water basin and light pole fixture choice.  The parking lot does have some nice looking curbs.

JohnMike Fernandez
I can now see the hidden Kamameshi Japanese restaurant all opened up and other small businesses out there. Good job

Erwin Jude
Other than OSH, did most of the other businesses just closed? I know Round Table reopened in Westborough Square, but I don’t think I’ve seen the other businesses open elsewhere.

Rebecca Renteria
Erwin Jude they were offered settlements maybe they took the money and decided to not reopen elsewhere.

Erwin Jude
Rebecca Renteria that makes sense. It seemed like some of those places were still doing okay, but I haven’t heard of any of them reopening at new locations.

Lynn Carlson Bick
Rebecca Renteria Star Bread is up by Hickey Bowl

Erwin Jude
Lynn Carlson Bick Hickey Bowl?

Lynn Carlson Bick
Erwin Jude sorry King Bowl

Erwin Jude
Lynn Carlson Bick that’s definitely quite a move from the neighborhood

Jennifer Valido Panlasigui
Erwin Jude thai bbq is in Fairmont Center

Cindy Alger
Better than a empty 12 story apartment complex with high rents that no one can afford.

Lauren Joslyn
Think that the Mercedes Car Dealership in SSF was a bad idea and in a matter of time it will move on elsewhere. I believe we need to stop building new buildings and take care of the ones already built and repair the roadways

Rebecca Renteria
Lauren Joslyn true but without revenue we don’t actually have any money to repair roads (and road repair is a power and financial struggle between cities and counties). This location isn’t going anywhere-Mercedes’ bought the land, closed the previous headquarters and are making this location the SF Bay Area Headquarters.

Jasmine Arapeles Dolar
Lauren Joslyn

Wendy Sinclair-Smith
The Mercedes people renovated the old OSH
Stephanie Chew Tejada
Waste of land!! I miss Orchards. I hate seeing a dealership when I look outside my window. Would of loved to see more restaurants and or a indoor youth sports complex or something for the kids in the city.
Dan Ordonez
Stephanie Chew Tejada exactly

Stephanie Chew Tejada
Dan the city needs to really do something for these kids. Stop building housing and useless dealership in residential areas. They could of just gone down the road to Colma.

Christine Hsieh
Stephanie Chew Tejada where were you when the city council had meetings about this? I think I was the only resident there to speak against it and we wrote a letter, which was just filed away. City had already made up its mind anyway, it was a sham hearing. They wanted the lease money to pay for other things.

Stephanie Chew Tejada
Christine that’s a shame that the city had already made up their minds. It’s always hard for me to attend city council meeting with my bazillion PTA/PTSA & Council meetings.

Kim Marenco
I liked OSH better It’s DC people come on!

Rod Boltz
Lowe’s put OSH out of business. They saw the franchise as competition. Lowe’s bought OSH and shut the doors. I don’t shop at Lowe’s.

Rebecca Renteria
Rod Boltz technically the family that owned OSH needed cash flow so they needed that sale to Lowes. The stores were going to close regardless. And now the family has begun to rebuild and have slowly started opening locations-see the Millbrae location.

Eric Herrera
Rebecca Renteria re: Millbrae location, I am the reason why that location is there, I Called headquarters and suggested that they would be a great help for Millbrae and its economy because the Dealership that was there moved away!!

Rebecca Renteria
Eric Herrera I am sure the low rent they are paying for that location helps since Millbrae’s development project there fell through.

Rebecca Renteria
Eric Herrera what dealership was at the Millbrae Old OSH location? As far as I can remember it has only ever been a fast food place and the OSH. Which is now OSH again the O just stands for OUTDOOR now….

Eric Herrera
And then check this out Office Depot so called closed doors and sold the BLDG for Apts. and Condos back in late 2019

Rebecca Renteria
Eric Herrera we all have to agree that mega Office Depot was too large. People don’t purchase office supplies they way they used too….

Eric Herrera
Rebecca Renteria Like I said before you erased my comments on How I called headquarters and suggested that they would be Great fit for The city of Millbrae, because the nissan dealership left town

Rebecca Renteria
Eric Herrera I never erased any comment. I literally don’t know what Nissan Dealership you are talking about and I am born and raised from Millbrae. LOL- I DID laugh at you though cause you think your one call was the reason they opened up shop in Millbrae.

Mary Sullivan-Almada
Rebecca Renteria haven’t been by there in years, it’s gone?

Viviana Marrone
Eric Herrera
I remember the Nissan Dealership.

Catherine Mc
On the bright side… it’s better than another high rise apartment building.

Nancy Mattos
My neighborhood. I drive by to Gellert each time to go anywhere and the display of the elegant luxury cars is beautiful and inviting . It’s a vast improvement to the neighborhood.

Robert Turnberg
OSH was the BEST. No problem finding items in stock. And, especially, lots of helpful and courteous employees to help.

Evie Gonzalez
Robert Turnberg YESSS!

Estrada LeAnna
Robert Turnberg …We love and miss OSH too! They had the best customer service!

Nancy Mascioli
Robert Turnberg I second (or tenth) agree. OSH was our go to everything and employees were top notch.
Rebecca Renteria
It’s way better then more apartments!

Paul Zink
that sucks,,,i went to that orchard all the time when i lived there

Debbie Hoska
Yuk want orchard back

Richard Girard
Stupid place for a car dealer

Karen Johanson
It just seems an odd place for a car dealership of any kind.

Matthew Teglia
Karen Johanson They will cater to SF no doubt. Taxes for SSF hopefully.

Charles Smyth
And why is it called Mercedes of San Francisco? why not South San Francisco?

Mike Cruz
Charles, my thought as well

Ar Mondo
Charles Smyth the same reason why the factory outlet in Livermore is called the San Francisco Premium.
Image is everything.
Express Factory Outlet at San Francisco Premium | 2774 Livermore Outlets Dr, Livermore, CA | Men’s and

Michael Day
Charles Smyth the 49ers play in Santa Clara, when talking to people in other states “San Francisco” means anywhere in the Bay Area. They moved from SF so keeping the name, website etc. Makes sense to me.

Gerry Marn
Thank your local politicians… same ones who sold land to out of state contractors

Julie Anne Rosario
Gerry Marn smh

Jim Sentman
Hmmm !!!! Maybe an IN-OUT burgers would work out. Just a thought.

Tia Bee
I want Orchard back

Evie Gonzalez
Tia Bee yes!

Cecilia Wright
Tia Bee me too

Gretchen Eberle
Plus! Lowes bought out OSH and promptly shut OSH stores down. Now we’re stuck with Lowes and they’re terrible!

Tuvae Misa
They should have put an EL POLLO LOCO & ARBY’S there. Who the needs a dealer in a residential area!

Sharon Roldan
It’s better than a smoke shop opening on every corner like where I stay at now. That was my neighborhood but moved to Vallejo 4 yrs ago.
Lilian Andaya
Hate it. Wrong place to put it

Sean Byrd
Yeah just what South City needs…..another luxury car dealership.

Joe Bacigalupi
Sean Byrd another ? how many do they have ?

Kris Yu
Joe Bacigalupi  lol

Justin Wong
Kris Yu let em know

Inez Cunningham
Love the location and so convenient for me.

Sergio Alvarez
Should’ve put a raising canes

Christiano Castro
Sergio Alvarez I would have loved this, too! Lol

Sergio Alvarez
Christiano Castro the other good spot for a raising canes would be in San Bruno where the old Sears Auto is! Plenty of space for a drive thru & restaurant!

Christiano Castro
Sergio Alvarez I would have taken one over a chick fil a lol

Sergio Alvarez
Christiano Castro same dude!

Manu Petaia
As much as I hate the change that has gone on over the last few years, why so much hate for a Benz dealership? OSH clearly wasn’t making enough money to stay open. Thats the way it is, whether we like it or not.
I mean, it could have been much worse. It could have been housing.
Edit: I meant to say that not all change is bad, and I haven’t heard a good reason why this change was bad. Only that it’s dumb etc. I’m not a business owner, but I’m sure they did their due diligence and wouldn’t be here unless they thought they could make it work.

Moserod OSe
Byron Petaia Lowes purchased OSH in order to close it. It did not matter how much business the store was doing.

Manu Petaia
Moserod OSe Then I stand corrected. Does anyone know the reason why? Or is this common knowledge and I completely missed it haha.

Justin Wong
Manu Petaia LOL a lot of Ssf folks are resistant to change. I’ve grown up here too and I’m happy to see Ssf progress to something like San Mateo/ Burlingame / Millbrae.

Athila Lambino
“Got a quarter tank of gasss in my new E-classss”

Aangdon Lalger
Boring. Even if I could afford those cars I wouldn’t want them. Would be better if we just had a giant glow in the dark Godzilla statue and a hot dog stand.

Margie Ramos De Renzi
It’s an eye sore! I can see it from my house. Orchard Supply was a more useful place for our community to shop.

Matthew Teglia
I remember when it was BEST around ‘84

Charles Smyth
Matthew Teglia I don’t remember a Best Buy there ever, I know it was a Service Merchandise

Matthew Teglia
Charles Smyth My mistake. It was actually called BEST at one point Not Best Buy

Matthew Teglia
Charles Smyth I think they merged with or were affiliated with Service Merchandise using same location.

Gretchen Eberle
Dumb choice for our community

Desiree Bulda
This is not the westborough that I grew up in!

David Valencia
Miss OSH and Toppings. This some boooo shet.

Brigette Caprio Gauthier
Hate it!

Christine Zagar
What a waste of land!! It’s a shame.

Desiree MontanatoRicetouchdown Finau
I miss toppings and all the restaurants there

Laura Garber
I have been away so long now, just take away See’s Candy and I shall cry..

Justin Wong
Laura Garber please take See’s Candy

Desiree Bulda
Laura Garber right?!?

Eric J Braun
What a waste of space!

John Cain
Orchard was a better choice.
This is absolutely unnecessary.

Elaine Katherine
Giant waste of space.

Dalia Grybinas Lee
I miss OSH!

Frank Fontenot
Little late for this question. Why didn’t we have a choice before it was built? Fuxking joke.

Cathy Dunleavy Rosaia
Frank Fontenot This is private property. Zoned Retail to retail. No big deal…

Frank Fontenot
Cathy Dunleavy Rosaia Doesn’t matter. Still has to be approved by the city and this is definitely not what the city needs.

Cathy Dunleavy Rosaia
Frank Fontenot I kind of like the sales tax for expensive cars to come to our city. The are a lot of Mercedes owners in North SM county. I can’t afford one, but hey, go for it! My point is that the City doesn’t control every real estate transaction, and if an owner of commercial property wants to sell to another commercial entity, I don’t think the City has a lot of control. Yes, plans and buildings need to be approved. My bigger concern is the City taking every City owned property and converting it to dense housing.

Frank Fontenot
Cathy Dunleavy Rosaia you mentioned a key word in your comments “Approved by the city” they have approval of everything. Dealerships have not done very well in SSF at all. Chrysler Ford Subaru all gone. Colma is 5 minutes away. Again they could have done a better job on choosing what to put there.

Christiano Castro
Frank Fontenot the city doesn’t need the the sales tax money from the dealership…?

Frank Fontenot
Christiano Castro really Castro. How much sales tax you think they will get? Are you really that naive?You are talking about a small select group of customers rather than the bigger picture of the community needs. Wishful thinking on your part though.

Christiano Castro
Frank Fontenot well Fontenot, that’s a lot of money that the “small” group of customers are spending. I see a lot more people going there for service as well, fills the gap between SF and Belmont. That spot has wasted away being vacant for so long, only started making money when construction began. Shoot, having that dealership could even boost business for the plaza down the road, more business for the 2 gas stations.

Cathy Burton-Meza
Not sure why we needed this

Whitney Connors-Pasion
It’s weird, out of Place! I saw it on NYE and thought why here?

Nick Atchley
South City is gone…

Bayy Krys
Cuz there’s not 10 other dealers not selling cars smh

Christiano Castro
Bayy Krys in Colma… not SSF.

Bayy Krys
Christiano Castro either way it’s not far from there.. it doesn’t fit in there. Js

Jose Valencia
Great, another bs business that this city needs… and yet no programs for our youth, unemployed, or homeless.

Jennifer Smith
Jose Valencia this is why I dont like the ssf politicians

Carlos Gonzalez
didnt know the city built the dealership with their $$ lol private seller sold the land to mercedes. money talks at the end of the day

Debbie Hamilton Wydler

Gina Eclavea
Debbie Hamilton Wydler aggreed

Shirley Williams
I worked at that osh! I loved working there!

Stephen Ward
Shirley Williams loved that store..if u were doing a project, it was minurltes from my house to back and forth 5 times for correct parts

Jeff P Ablang
I guess it means property value of homes in the area is going up.
It would’ve been nice to see a hospital but the dealership makes sense.
Stores or apts would’ve caused too much congestion. Dealership brings biz but less traffic.

Jose Mauricio Diaz
Smart man very knowledgeable but very true it only brings much more business and just imagine that little bump of property value upwards sheesh

Glen W Tashunka
I delivered Uber Eats to one of the salesman I asked how much for Mercedes SL he tells me $680k…..

Linda Bergantino
Glen W Tashunka He must have been messing with you. The base price range is from $130k-$175k.

Max Cel
Glen W Tashunka sale tax’s goes to city revenue

Glen W Tashunka
I said Enjoy Your Chipotle bro

Matt Brower
It’s all about sales tax

Jessica Panda
Noo… my pho spot

Angelo Ignacio Jr.
what a waste

Trisha DeVera
eye sore!

Rick Narvarte

Karen Datangel

Rose Doles

Daniel Ourtiague
Your question should be a little more detailed and accurate. Something like : what do you think about this privately owned property and this privately owned business? You may likely inadvertently lead people to think this is City property, publicly funded. Where will that misinformed opinion end? Have an opinion on all privately owned structures (homes, apartments, retail etc….) come on we’re more resourceful than this heavy handed opinion question.

Paul Nemeth
Somebody call the pro-life protestors, because that thing is an abortion.

Jennifer Smith
Paul Nemeth abortion isn’t a joke

David W Wade
Out of place other that Revenue how is this going to serve our residents of SSF unlink Orchard did.

Darlene Sheldon
Who the hell can afford one of those cars, rent is barely reasonable!

Christiano Castro
Darlene Sheldon people that aren’t poor

Lynn Carlson Bick
Darlene Sheldon people who are buying the homes in SSF for over a million dollars. Cash

Desiree Bulda
Lynn Carlson Bick my grandma sold her rental on Wexford for $1.5m a few years ago. That’s nuts!!!!

Justin Wong
Darlene Sheldon you think Mercedes just decided to open a dealership in a place they’d loose money? They prob done tons of research regarding the household income in Ssf.

Armando Vazquez
Miss Orchard, seems like a weird spot for that.

Joe Bacigalupi
Everyone saying “I miss orchard” maybe you should have shopped there then literally no one shopped there, hence why they went out of business. I bet you guys are the same people that “miss Brentwood bowl” and hadn’t bowled in 30 years

Margie Ramos De Renzi
Joe Bacigalupi Shopped at Orchard supply weekly. Why is this so funny to you?

Armando Vazquez
Joe Bacigalupi I shopped there constantly.

Joe Bacigalupi
Why is it so funny ? We all realize they didn’t have enough business to stay open right? Should they have just kept it open to keep it open? I’m sure Radio Shack had a couple people go in now and then, but that’s not enough to not renovate westborough square. That is the only Mercedes from Marin to San Carlos, it’s going to do a ton of business and employe a ton of workers vs the 12 osh workers.

Eric Herrera
Joe Bacigalupi I can afford OSH and they were helpful without having a (Can I sell you something that you don’t want) kind of ATTITUDE

Michael McCaffrey
Joe Bacigalupi Lowe’s bought OSH and closed them down. Outdoor Hardware Supply has opened up in the Milpitas old OSH and they told me that it was opened by a number of former OSH employees. So go there and shop ‘OSH’!

Angie Tawasha Castello
Joe Bacigalupi We used to shop there a lot, the proximity was definitely convenient.

Andre Baldomero
Out here making locals mad LOL

Karen Krajenbrink
Joe Bacigalupi Shopped there all the time, several times a month, sometimes a couple runs a week. Now I will never shop at this dealership. I would have been less angry if it had meant that we’d have more actual shops, but an expensive car dealership? Not a great use of the space in my eyes.

Paul Nemeth
Joe Bacigalupi I live a block away and would go there first if I needed something, plus I could also grab something at Safeway if I needed.

Jason Ng
my thoughts, “why?”

Christiano Castro
Jason Ng tax money.

Salevao Pulepule
I remember watching the heavy equipment cut and level that area while shopping at “Pak n Save”

Karla Liseth


What else comes to mind when you see the changes in your neighborhood? Let us know in the comments.

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Matt Butler
Matt Butler
3 years ago

Now that SB 9 is law you can kiss what is left of your neighborhoods goodbye thanks to our State Senator and newest council member. When the big guys want more and can’t do it legally they just change the laws to get it. Yet, the voters elect these same people again and again. Not that it matters, since the next person in office would be pressured to do the same exact thing.

Gail McKay
Gail McKay
3 years ago

My heart also is breaking as I watch my hometown go from a tight, family oriented, suburban community to a self-absorbed urban area. I feel that the description “community” no longer applies. I wonder if the City Council and Manager are reading these comments. Do they even care?!

Clarissa S.
Clarissa S.
3 years ago

My husband and I decided to move to South City when we got married in 1994. We chose SSF because it seemed like a quiet, RESPECTFUL and conservative place to live; where we could raise a family and know that the children would be safe. We live on Mission Road and have noticed CRIME go up…even heard shots fired (from what seemed like a moving vehicle) a few months ago. I am so afraid that we will turn into another SF or God forbid, another OAKLAND! I understand that people need a place to live and NOT AT $3,000 FOR A STUDIO APARTMENT! So, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?? I hear a lot of complaints, but NO SOLUTIONS. Can someone please offer one up before we REALLY start going down hill?!

Cory Alan David
Cory Alan David
3 years ago

The real question is, what are SSF city officials driving now? It has been clear for some time that SSF is governed by individuals who act with impunity and little input from existing home owners. But, if you are a developer with fat pockets, they roll out the welcome mat. Watch a council meeting some time to witness five, make that four elected officials, one appointed by his colleagues, work with salaried officials to approve building developments and sell every square inch of city property left on the books. To add insult to injury, check out how comically few votes it takes to get elected to the council. To paraphrase, you get what you vote, or more accurately, don’t vote for. The disinterest of residents and lack of community involvement have allowed these individuals to unilaterally decide the future of our city. They might very well be corrupt but in the end we have ourselves to blame as we are their enablers.