Letter to Editor: Nepotism in South San Francisco City Hall

South San Francisco, CA  April 18, 2022 by SSF Resident


As a citizen in the community, I was wondering why nepotism has not come to an end in this City.  With many changes happening in our personal lives and with Covid still happening, one would think that the City of SSF might begin to handle certain aspects within different departments they oversee.  To find out that family members can take over positions once held by other family members is still happening.  Why?  Open positions should be posted, CalOPPs, Linkedln, Daily Journal, etc.  These open positions should hold the purpose of recruiting.  Not to just hold the position for family members who already have the position before it hits the public.  I am sure that there are many people out in the community and beyond that have the “qualified experience” needed to fill positions that are open so that City Officials and department heads know they have qualified candidates that can handle these jobs.  New blood and new talent is good and City should taken that into consideration!

Anonymous please
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Your neighbor
Your neighbor
2 years ago

WITH district elections hopefully this will end. The grip of the incumbents in So. City manifested itself in this behavior and not much could be done.
We hadthe Assistant to the City Mgr. Hire her relative and now he’s head of the Park & Recreation Dept.
It will be a matter of a short time before the City will be back as it should be, hiring the most qualified.

Cory Alan David
2 years ago

Apparently, you have mistaken SSF for a democracy. This misconception will certainly cause our city officials to scramble to determine what they might have done wrong.