South San Francisco Unified School District Responds to School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas

South San Francisco, CA  May 25, 2022 by SSFUSD Superintendent Dr. Shawnterra Moore

Education is the cornerstone of democracy. As educators, we provide students with the tools that will enable them to participate as future members of our democratic society, and we work with parents to help lay a foundation for children’s future success.
“The recent shooting in Uvalde, Texas, is an inexcusable act of violence committed against children and their families that wounds our democracy. Our hearts are with the families of the victims, as we send hope and healing to the community of Uvalde
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Marco Nunziati
Marco Nunziati
2 years ago

Let’s start by having the presence of police ,retired police officers and or retired military man on campus and not to declare schools a “gun free zone “ ,in my opinion that’s an invitation to commit this tipe of crime .

2 years ago

We must place mental health at the top of vicious cycle. You can make all the laws you want against guns, but these people DO NOT follow laws in the first place! PREVENTION IS THE KEY and possibly not allowing people under the age of 21 to buy guns…afterall, they can’t buy liquor until that age, right?

We must pray for the families affected by this massacre AND the brave first responders who tried to stop the shooter and witnessed the horrific scene. God bless Our Nation.

Laurie Masetti
Laurie Masetti
2 years ago

The US give billions of our tax dollars to help other countries all the time. I think it’s time to use that money to “harden” our schools. I don’t have all the answers, but I am sure there are experts that do. We need to put American Children First. Just as you put your Family First, All Americans should come first!