Wi-Fi Available on SamTrans Fleet

South San Francisco, CA  May 16, 2022 Press Release

SamTrans has installed Wi-Fi on every vehicle in its bus fleet, allowing SamTrans riders to use the internet while on board. Installation was completed in March, and the soft launch was well-received by SamTrans riders.


Passengers are able to use Wi-Fi free of charge, simply by connecting to “SamTrans-Wi-Fi” after boarding the bus. Current bandwidth limits video streaming, however, passengers will be able to text, email, browse the internet, access social media and play games.


The 2021 SamTrans Triennial Customer Survey found that 58% of riders access the internet via their cell/mobile device, and 22% of riders access bus schedules and real-time departure information from our website. On-board Wi-Fi gives riders better access to this information through a medium they already use, improving the customer experience.


For more information, or to report an error, go to www.samtrans.com/wifi.


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