South San Francisco, CA July 13, 2023 by Cory David, SSF Resident
Please Review the Ballot Initiative Below
HI gang!
While you have successfully discouraged some, possibly targeted residents, from participating in live City Council meetings with your 8 hour and 59 minute notifications to those of us already on a list, we offer our profound thanks as you, subsequently and begrudgingly, started giving us “courtesy” notifications for upcoming meetings. Silly me, I thought resident participation in government was a right, not a courtesy, and notification was your job. Didn’t matter anyway as, while some of us might miss your smiling, giggling faces, we have discovered that we don’t need to spread our message to the Chamber attendees or the handful of people watching on cable, we only need our message to reach you, the city officials sworn to represent the will of their constituents. Besides, the conversations are, and always have been, one sided as apparently our city government answers to no one. That likely will change. In the end, messaging you can be accomplished by simple e-mails and we can be spared the danger lurking at the MSB as you would have us believe it is unsafe. Thank you for streamlining the process.
Here I was enjoying a little break, from what I lovingly refer to as our monarchy, when someone brought my attention to Wednesday night’s Administrative Agenda Items 10 and 10A which is a resolution and vote to authorize the Mayor to write a letter in opposition to Ballot Initiative 1935, The Taxpayer and Government Accountability Act. Near as my uninformed, unambitious, less than opportunistic political self can tell, passage of this Ballot Initiative would force oversight on local governments in an effort to prevent deception, mislabeling, or misappropriation of funds by mandating passage of any funding measure by that, gone but not forgotten, good old two thirds of the electorate. Now, I’m going to throw you a curve, I totally get you. Nobody likes oversight if it interferes with achieving your or your benefactors’ agendas. It’s kinda’ like Mommy and Daddy cutting off your allowance should you be bad. In my case, my stash of Butterfingers was affected but how many candy bars did I need to eat? In your case, you might be cut off at one 200 million dollar, landlocked, Titanic look alike Civic Center with inadequate parking that nobody asked for. But, how many Civic Centers do we need? Check that, as poorly planned as the new one is, I’m guessing two. Glad we have the MSB to fall back on, unless you continue to maintain that it is the MSB that will fall on us.
Anyway, you fight back against any Mommy or Daddy that might dare to cut off your allowance but remember, Mommy and Daddy might just be a metaphor for those constituents/residents/taxpayers that you swore to represent. Are you representing them or your own personal agendas? I’m guessing you haven’t a clue what the residents support as you asked no one. So write that letter, I like writing letters too. To you, to newspapers, to on-line media outlets and government agencies of all shapes, sizes and civil and criminal authority. It’s just so much fun and educational as well. I suggest you all grab those Butterfingers while the grabbing is good.
As always, your devoted, faithful, constituent and servant, Cory A. David.
WORTHY OF NOTE: Glad to hear we finally got some new blood on the Chamber of Commerce who are willing to work with long neglected, new, large biotech firms like Genentech to make sure they finally get support from our city that has historically been so inadequate. It’s about time they get a break.

Finally, finally – VOTE FOR accountability and transparency of local government.
This is a vote to rein in spending and diversion of Election Laws, it’s time has come.
Thank you Cory! For being such a good citizen!
This is definitely what we need in South City. Our city council does not care about the residents — how many times have you seen the city council vote for something FOR the residents? It’s always something for the biotech and the corporations. Do you recognize our city? I surely don’t. I’d like to know what perks our city council get from the corporations that are moving into the west side of the city.
We asked for the MSB to be preserved as a senior/multi-use center with its 112 onsite parking space and is ADA compliant. Those residents who emailed, phoned, signed petitions and appeared at the council meetings were disregarded. When will the residents matter?
Remember when we voted for Measure W in 2015? We voted for increased police and fire services, senior and disabled services, pothole and street repair, and gang suppression. I don’t see any of those things, do you?
We did NOT vote for a new Community Civic Center that its price tag jumped at the blink of an eye. We have one dilapidated senior center on Magnolia that has 34 parking spaces and caters mainly to senior daycare.
It’s time for accountability, and that’s what our South City government does not want. That’s why they voted to send a letter opposing this oversight of local government.
Let’s take back our city!
Cynthia M,
Potholes got to be a catch-phrase when asking for tax payer dollars, we had already voted for pot-holes through measure K a county tax that cities already receive funding. The lion’s share of the sales tax (meas. W) went to the Library (at least $210M) and the community was not involved. Yes they held meetings to ask us about chairs, and colors but the planning should of had a citizen architectural committee. The council made sure little to no pesky citizens had a say.
Ms. Marcopulos, thank you for your example of how this oversight through this proposed ballot initiative might bring accountability locally. You are correct, this is needed. This issue was lost in the original letter of sarcasm.
Thank you to the publisher for including this reading of the initiative, it is what piqued my curiosity.
Whatever people