Author: Editor

A Message from South San Francisco Scavenger Company

October 20th, 2022 – South San Francisco, CA from SSF Scavenger Facebook Page WHAT’S SCARY AT HALLOWEEN CAN BE COMPOST BY CHRISTMAS! Shriveled up jack-o-lanterns, dried out corn husks, and rejected treats make great compost. Please feed them to Ozzy…

South San Francisco Weekly Police Reports

October 20th, 2022 – South San Francisco, CA STOLEN FIREARM RECOVERED: Our Neighborhood Response Team authored a search warrant for a recent firearms investigation. They executed the search warrant today in San Francisco and located a stolen Sig Sauer P365…

Bernadine June Fornesi Obituary

South San Francisco, CA October 20, 2022 by Garden Chapel Funeral Directors Please share your favorite memory of Bernadine to be included in a special keepsake book for the family HERE. Bernadine June Fornesi died peacefully the afternoon of October…

Letter to Editor: Vote Yes On Measure DD In SSF

South San Francisco, CA  October 20, 2022 by Margaret Brodkin, Founder/Director Funding the Next Generation AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPORT CHILDREN, PARENTS, WORKERS, AND THE ECONOMY   This November, South San Francisco voters have an unprecedented opportunity to make four transformative…