South San Francisco, CA June 26, 2018 Submitted by Triny Herandez The South San Francisco High School is proud to present their annual Principal’s Blue and White Ball on Friday November 16, 2018 at the Municipal Service Building from 6:00pm…
Category: Schools
Letter to Editor: Response to SSFUSD Response to my Public records request of April 26, 2018 by Cindy Alger
South San Francisco, CA June 13, 2018 by Cindy Alger, SSF Resident EDITOR’S NOTE: Ms Alger sent a letter to the School Board on April 26, 2018 which can be read CLICK HERE . The District’s response can be found…
SAVE THE DATE!! November 16th SSFHS Principal’s Blue and White Ball
South San Francisco, CA June 13, 2018 Submitted by Triny Herandez Save the date! Mark your calendar! Get those dancing shoes ready for November 16th as South San Francisco High School announces their annual Principal’s Blue and White Ball at…
Who is Responsible for the Sport Fields in South San Francisco; June 2018 Update from the City and School District
South San Francisco, CA June 11, 2018 Submitted by City of South San Francisco The City of South San Francisco has announced a special meeting set for Wednesday evening, June 13th, at 7pm at the MSB for the purpose of…
South San Francisco Unified School District to Present Updates to City Council Wednesday June 13th 7pm
South San Francisco, Ca June 11, 2018 The public is invited to attend the special meeting on Wednesday June 13th at 7:01pm in the City Council Chambers, 33 Arroyo Drive SSF, as the School District presents updates on campus projects…
Parkway Heights Middle School 2018 Summer School Construction/ Traffic Alert
South San Francisco, CA June 7, 2018 Submitted by Jennifer Spigno, SSFUSD Parkway Heights Middle School will be hosting summer school from June 11, 2018 through July 16, 2018, Monday through Thursday. Due to ongoing site construction, the school entrance…
SSFUSD CBOC Meeting June 6, 2018
South San Francisco, CA June 2, 2018 Submitted by Jen Spigno
Bay Area Discovery Museum – Try It Truck Comes to South San Francisco Grand Ave Library June 29th
South San Francisco, CA May 29, 2018 On Friday, June 29th at 1:00 p.m. the Bay Area Discovery Museum – Try It Truck will be visiting the Grand Avenue Branch Library located at 306 Walnut Ave. The Bay Area Discovery…
June 2018-SSF Library Events: So Much Happening!!
South San Francisco, CA May 24, 2018 Submitted by SSF Library E-Resource-Kanopy Kids Have you tried out video streaming with Kanopy yet? We’re happy to announce the launch of Kanopy Kids which features hundreds of films and TV series…
Scholarship America Presents Honors Genentech FuturelabProgram
South San Francisco, Ca May 24, 2018 Submitted by KM, originated Longview News Journal Preface: A South City neighbor sent us this article saying ‘My daughter was part of the Genentech FutureLab Program and it really helped her to focus…