El Camino High School Principal resigns as police investigate financial irregularities

South San Francisco, CA  February 6, 2015    SSFUSD logo color

Submitted by Alejandro Hogan, Supt SSFUSD

El Camino High School Interim Principal Linda McDaniel resigned February 6 as a result of an investigation into suspected financial irregularities at the school. South San Francisco Police Department is continuing the investigation into the case.

We welcome Mr Jim Murphy, former principal of Baden and Adult School, as he takes over as Principal until the end of February.

UPDATE: This was audio tape of Mr Hogan’s message was sent to us by Angelique Presidente


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[…] replacement, Linda McDaniel, lasted three months when she was forced to resign due to allegations of embezzlement. SSFPD have […]

10 years ago

Wow, Sounds like he’s already been convicted.

Sean oconnor
Sean oconnor
10 years ago

social media is the new way to disperse information. Also, this page is a neighborhood news site that gets shared on a social media site. Would you rather hear about this later? Better to be aware to allow those who choose to ask questions and get answers rather than just complain.

John Baker
10 years ago

Wow. This is huge. So sad for the District and so sad for the students — who will have (at least) three principals this school year. Combined with the upheaval in the athletic programs, the students are getting some hard lessons in how adults are NOT supposed to behave.

laura walsh
10 years ago

why is it that social media is always involved before we even can grasp an understanding of what has happened. I am not sure I like this page anymore.