El Camino High School Senior takes first place in Leads 360 Education and Literacy Category

South San Francisco, CA     March 11, 2015       Submitted by Patricia Manubay

Editors Note: We first featured El Camino High School Senior Patricia Manubay in February 2015 as one of the 15 finalists for the Leads 360/Jefferson Awards program as she represented South San Francisco with her vision of ‘Dream Boxes’ for low income students across the United States. We congratulate Patricia on her recent victory and we look forward to helping her complete her service mission. To read the original article please CLICK HERE. ESC will continue to share updates as they become available.

Patricia and her Mom, Jacqueline Manubay, in NYC where Patricia won in her division Education & Literacy

Patricia and her Mom, Jacqueline Manubay, in NYC where Patricia won in her division Education & Literacy

I along with my mom got to go to New York to receive my award. I was presented with a Jefferson Awards medal and full support of the Jefferson Awards family. They recognized me with my involvement in their various programs including Students in Action, Think BIG team and of course, Lead 360. I was interviewed by Jefferson Awards, the You Tuber Jessica Abo, and MTV news. It was a great experience to be in a room filled with people determined to make a difference. I was able to meet the other two winners from the other categories as well. I was able to make the first ever Dream Boxes to be given to students in New York.

It certainly made me think back to all the training and support the groups back at school gave me to be there on stage. I know without the support of ASB, my SIA team, my family, my friends, my teachers, my community, and my school I wouldn’t be able to do it. I am very grateful for all these people in my life and helping prepare me for that very moment.
The goal for this year is to have 100,000 dream boxes distributed, but I can’t do it alone. The boxes are filled with various school and art supplies, a favorite book, a dream journal, and letters of encouragement. I think what’s special about this service project is its letters of encouragement which can be as simple as an inspirational quote to as meaningful as a two page letter empowering students to follow their dreams. One of my dreams for Dream Boxes is to get real inspirational heroes or celebrities to write letters as well such as famous sport players, musicians, singers, actors, maybe even the president of the United States. Maybe even get famous authors to sign some books to put in the boxes.

Patricia making up 'Dream Boxes', her vision is to provide these to low income students across the US

Patricia making up ‘Dream Boxes’, her vision is to provide these to low income students across the US

The purpose of dream boxes is not only to give students the resources and supplies they need in school, but as well as the encouragement and inspiration to pursue their dreams.
The steps for the next few weeks is to get people aware about Dream Boxes through the media, and inform them on how they can make dream boxes themselves, learn more about them, and how to donate. I will then start collecting donations of school supplies, raising money, and reaching out to communities and families around the nation to distribute the dream boxes.
My main job is to keep track of impact, the easiest way is to have people #DreamBoxes. The best way is to go to www.lead360.jeffersonawards.org, sign up for an account for free and record your impact. There, people can also learn more about my project, Jefferson Awards, and they can even donate. Each box is roughly worth $15!
Patricia Manubay, a Senior at El Camino High School, won the Lead 360/ Jefferson Award in Education and Literacy

Patricia Manubay, a Senior at El Camino High School, won the Lead 360/ Jefferson Award in Education and Literacy

With the help of my community, representing El Camino High School, SSF, the Filipino and Asian Community, California, and all the young people who think they couldn’t make a difference, we can work together to really make a difference in these young people’s lives, to teach them that their dreams do matter and that it is realistic. I believe every student should pursue their dreams and grow up in an education where we don’t laugh or call their dreams unrealistic. I believe every student has the right to pursue what they’re naturally talented for, what they feel passionate about– and it is our job as role models to encourage and empower them to do so. Through Dream Boxes we can potentially start a whole generation of passionately driven students.



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Patrick Lucy
Patrick Lucy
10 years ago

Students like Patricia Manubay is what make South San Francisco Schools great. Great job Patricia you are amazing!!!!!!!