South San Francisco, CA January 13, 2014 We received this message from the missing girl’s friend and we were asked to share. Please pass this information on and let’s be sure we bring this young lady home safe and soon.…
Support Friends of the Library as they support our community
South San Francisco CA January 13, 2014 Many remember our libraries as the place to go to check out books, gather information for reports and meet up with others to work on projects. Today’s library services still offer that along…
Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year Awards January 22, 2014
South San Francisco, CA January 13, 2014
Mater Dolorosa to offer Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Latin Mass)
South San Francisco, CA January 11, 2014 Submitted by Eleanora M At the request of Archbishop Cordileone, beginning January 19, 2014 (Sunday), the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Latin Mass) is back at Mater Dolorosa…
SSFPD Media Bulletin January 7, 2014
South San Francisco, CA January 7, 2014
SSFPD Media Bulletin January 6, 2014
South San Francisco, CA January 6, 2014