South San Francisco, CA November 4, 2023 h/t Pillar Point Recreational Fishing of Dungeness Crag is expected to open on November 4, 2023. The recreational take of Dungeness crab using crab traps will be temporarily restricted between the…
South San Francisco, CA September 9, 2021 by Capt Tom Mattusch Preface by Tom: One of the most difficult things I have had to write. Answering the phone, scheduling, rescheduling, not knowing when crab season will start, I spent the…
South San Francisco, CA May 26, 2021 Submitted by San Bruno Police Department May 25, 2021 SUBJECT: Mountain Lion Activity CASE NUMBER: 2101395 DATE OCCURRED: 05/25/2021 TIME OCCURRED: 12:20 am CONTACT PERSON: Lieutenant Brent Schimek Press release by: Sergeant…
South San Francisco, CA November 6, 2019 Submitted by SMC Alert We received another video from a resident of the Rollingwood area about a mountain lion sighting in their yard several days ago. Mountain lions are a natural part of…