Many of our ESC friends know and love the work done by our South City photographer Roger Cain. What many may not know Roger professionally covers many air shows through out the US. This photo is from Schellville Airport over in Sonoma which is facing some trouble from nearby Leland Fly Fishing Ranch.
Roger shares this with us:
The Channel 7 I-Team, Dan Noyes, is airing TONIGHT at 11PM, their investigative story on Leland Fly Fishing Ranch, and the potential damaging impact on Schellville Airport because of their intrusion into the Runway Safety Zones. Be sure to watch!! Tell your friends, Expose Leland for what they are – serial permit violators. Set your DVR’s !! Pass the word!!
The airport’s home page which is also graced with more great photos from Roger. Thanks for watching and for sharing the info. For those that missed the investigative report, it can be seen here as well as part of the transcript. It’s a pretty complex and sad situation and we hope it works out for the historical home for many.