Month: September 2015

SSFUSD Board Fetes Monte Verde’s 50th Anniversary

South San Francisco, CA     September 11, 2015    Submitted by John Horgan SSFUSD The South San Francisco Unified School District Board of Trustees honored Monte Verde Elementary School on the occasion of its 50th anniversary during the Board’s Sept. 10 meeting.…

SSF City Wide Garage Sale Saturday September 12th!

South San Francisco, CA    September 9, 2015  South San Francisco neighbors are being encouraged to join the City Wide Garage Sale this weekend on Saturday September 12th. If you are participating send us your address & special items and we…

Burlingame Pet Parade Set For September 26th

South San Francisco, CA   September 7, 2015   Submitted by John Kevranian, Owner of Nuts for Candy Welcome to Burlingame Pet Parade The Burlingame Pet Parade was started in 2004 by a group of Burlingame residents who wanted to bring the…