South San Francisco, CA July 7, 2016 Submitted by John Horgan, SSFUSD Catherine Batang, an outstanding golfer who finished her freshman year at South San Francisco High School in the spring, has been chosen to participate in the Nature…
Month: July 2016
Commercial Car Washes are Easier on the Environment: Rebroadcast
South San Francisco, CA July 7, 2016 by TERASA LOTT, Natural Resources Agent Rebroadcast Submitted by South City Car Wash I’m one of those people that really like my vehicle to be clean, which means my weekend chores often include…
July 2016 Rentals in San Mateo County: Have a room? Need a room?
South San Francisco, CA July 6, 2016 Submitted by HIP HOUSING Do you know anyone looking for a housemate or renter, or trying to rent out a room in their home? HIP Housing’s non-profit Home Sharing program can help…
Housing: 107 Units Proposed for 150 S Airport Blvd
South San Francisco, CA July 5, 2016 UPDATE March 16, 2018 This project now stands at 157 units having another 50 units added since our original published info in 2016. Construction is about to start This is a…
Letter to the Editor: SSF Pecks Lot Pilot Study Should Be Stopped Immediately
South San Francisco, CA July 5, 2016 To the Editor: At the June 22 City Council meeting, Vice Mayor Gupta revealed that the City has decided to do another street light pilot study, this time in Pecks Lot. He stated…