Buri Buri Elementary School Construction Update

South San Francisco, CA   September 19, 2016 Submitted by Michael Harris  SSFUSD logo color

South San Francisco Unified School District
Measure J Bond Program

Neighbors of Buri Buri Elementary School:

Thanks for attending our last neighborhood meeting. We wanted to provide you with an update on construction at the site. We are working diligently to complete construction on the school and look forward to delivering a new facility and grounds that make us all proud!

Currently, the Sitework Contractor is working on the Playground area. Base rock is in place and the subgrade is ready for asphalt. We will be installing basketball standards and striping for games soon. As many of you may be aware, we are continuing with the installation of the perimeter fencing around the buildings and playground areas. This work should be complete soon.

The Board has approved the Demolition and Grading Contractor, who is mobilizing this week. This phase of the work will clear all of the debris, demolish remaining buildings, pads, footings, and paving at the old site. The grading work will begin after the initial demolition and will regrade the large dirt pile on the south side of the site into a new field area.

We know that there may be impacts of work on the Demolition and Grading, including noise, vibrations, and some dust. The District’s contract requires dust control at all times, loads out of the site must be covered, and trucks leaving the site must meet City requirements for street impacts. We are working closely with the City and will have their required Grading and Hauling permits as the work is performed.

Please let us know if you have any concerns about the projects at Buri Buri. You can reach me by email, or reach our Project Manager by phone at 650) 246-5974.

Bill Savidge Bond Management Consultant

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