Inquiring neighbors want to know: What do/did you think of PGE’s proactively power turn off in California?

South San Francisco, CA  October 11, 2019

So, what do you think? Based on the information sent out, and the weather conditions, locally, and across California – was PGE’s proactive power turn off necessary to ensure safety?

Yay, or Nay?

Your thoughts? How did/ does this impact you?


More info from PGE on the proactive power shut offs CLICK HERE

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5 years ago

Apple and Google did not lose power. Seniors and children lost power. Hello, PUC.

Lisa Trujillo
Lisa Trujillo
5 years ago

I really do not feel this helps in any way. My daughter just purchase groceries and she has a family to feed and not knowing whether her power was going to be out for hours and could last for five days. Right after she just bought them. This is truly upsetting and with the cost in California to buy anything that would have been very devastating to her and her family. Plus what about people like my mother and father that are on air machines to breath? How are we all supposed to depend on PGE when it will be on or not on. It is going to put us on a schedule for when we can have something we pay for already or are they going to reimburse us. I really do not see how it started fires to begin with. Now we are being told that we can not have lights outside for christmas because of fires. Is this a fire hazard and why?

5 years ago

Nay. Planned electrical power shutoffs are reckless and unnecessary and may actually contribute to fire danger in residential neighborhoods. Someone in Sacramento should have the courage to put an end to PG&E’s autocratic planned power shutoffs. The way to stop wildfires is to improve wild land management. Make sure vagrants are not living on wild lands and criminals are not exploiting wild lands. Make sure suburban and exurban homes are surrounded by green zones that are periodically cropped and watered and inspected. The City of Oakland recovered from a ghastly conflagration by putting in place residential land management policies that have protected the Oakland hills ever since.