Customers Now Encouraged to Bring Reusable Bags and Pack Items Yourself

South San Francisco, CA   July 3, 2020 Submitted by SSF Normandy News

BYOB, Bring Your OWN Bag ? – the temporary suspension of the state’s ban on single-use bags is over, meaning shoppers will again be charged for bags at grocery stores — and will bag their own reusable bags in counties where reusable bags are permitted.

I learned this today, visiting Safeway on Chestnut

– Liza Normandy

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South City Grocery Outlet also shares: WELCOME BACK RE-USABLE BAGS! OH HOW WE HAVE MISSED YOU!
You can now bring your re-usable bags in the store. To limit exposure for our cashiers, we just ask that you bag them.


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Mike Glines
Mike Glines
4 years ago

As of yesterday Lucky won’t let u bring ur own bags.