Everything South City: How to Stay in Touch, Social Media Updates, Where to Send Info

South San Francisco, CA  November 22, 2022Everything South City logo with red outline

Everything South City on Social Media

Everything South City has enjoyed a wonderful community on our interactive Facebook page which now has over 18,500 subscribers and over 19,275 followers grown organically since our inception 13 years ago this month! And our Instagram page continues to grow and we thank team member Allie for that continued success, you can follow us HERE.

Facebook information screenshot of Everything South City

However, lately, META (FB/IG) has changed up its algorithms and we are noticing our reach is not as far as it once was.  We are committed to ensuring our neighbors receive up-to-date news and views so, to that end, we encourage you to subscribe to our weekly digest HERE. The weekly digest is generally sent out on Friday afternoons and on occasion, a special edition may be added to your inbox.


“Sign Up for Instant Updates”

In addition, you can subscribe to instant updates and receive articles sent to your inbox as soon as they are published by signing up directly from the website (see left side column)


And because we are neighbors you NEVER have to be concerned that your information will ever be sold or shared with 3rd party groups, etc, we just don’t do that. **We also respect requests for anonymity, just let us know!

To avoid any spam or phishing on our website, comments will be approved prior to posting and this may take up to 24 hours. ALL comments are published as we receive them, and we do not delete them from our social media or website – ever.




Are you on Nextdoor.com? So are we!! Be sure to follow us there too – CLICK HERE!


Contacting Everything South City

Everything South City is dedicated to sharing local news and views, neighbor to neighbor, and we value the tips and event information sent to us. Again, due to changes in social media platforms, we are not able to capture everything that is sent to us through messaging and visitor posts.

To ensure we do not miss your information please drop us an email at [email protected]

**Word Doc or inline email what you want to be shared

**Graphics in jpg format please.

We will publish your information within 24 hours and send you the link when it is completed.

This information will also be shared on our social media and included in our weekly digest.

**Unless otherwise instructed we will include the senders’ name in all information shared.


If you should notice an error on anything shared we greatly appreciate your letting us know so we can correct it ASAP- thank you!


A Word From Our Sponsors

We could not exist for this length of time without the generous support from our adverting sponsors and we ask that you please support those who support us!


South City Grocery Outlet CLICK HERE to subscribe to their weekly circular which lets you know how to save money in this tough economic environment. South City Grocery Outlet is owned and operated by South City neighbors Michele and Dave Radcliff and this really is a family affair – join them now! Conveniently located off of El Camino Real in the Hickey Shopping Center, opened daily from 8am – 9pm!


Chajinel Home Care Services CLICK HERE for more information on the high-quality holistic care offered to our loved ones who need assistance to remain independent. Owner Daniela Jonguitud oversees her home care providers are well-trained and certified with the intent of those in their charge to remain active in both body and mind. “Conscious Geriatry”. International businesswoman Jonguitud, who services our South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce as a member of the Chairman Circle and Board of Directors, is opening a second facility GereOm this January.


Garden Chapel Funeral Directors CLICK HERE for more information on this Veteran owned Funeral Home that has been a part of our community for over 75 years. Owned by our neighbor and community leader, Al Banfield, Garden Chapel provides both funeral and cremation services with dignity, compassion, and reverence. Pre-planning options are offered to allow peace of mind knowing final wishes will be carried out as desired. Because grieving does not end with a funeral, Garden Chapel offers continued online support daily and for free, to all.


South San Francisco Scavengers Co CLICK HERE for more information on all your trash, recycling, and big haul disposal needs that are provided by this family-owned business. From special FREE residential pick-ups to organic waste requirements set by California laws, to tips on waste reduction and disposal,  and behind the scene videos, the Scavengers offer loads of information on their website – check it out now!


Kaiser Medical Services CLICK HERE for more information on medical needs offered by Kaiser Permanente Group available in South San Francisco and beyond. Our local Kaiser Offices continue to receive high marks of excellence from noteable agencies including The American Heart Association, The Leapfrog Group, Newsweek’s Annual reporting, National Quality Forum among others. Kaiser is also one of our largest employers in the area and is proud of their community spirit shown by helping local groups.




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Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
10 months ago

I’d like you to post the following warning. Scotch broom is “highly invasive” and threatens our wetlands and native-species on Sign Hill, San Bruno Mountain, and our city and county parks.

Amparo G
Amparo G
1 year ago

Are you taking food donations

1 year ago

Hi I’m from Westborough area. I usually go for a walk at Selick park. Today I saw a homeless roaming around the area. I’m just concerned about the safety of our neighborhood.

Wendy Sinclair Smith
Wendy Sinclair Smith
1 year ago

West Orange Library is closing forever. So many South City residents have fond memories of this place. Last day to visit is Friday July 7. Please come and say farewell.

Last edited 1 year ago by Wendy Sinclair Smith
Your neighbor
Your neighbor
2 years ago

Want to thank the owners and residents of ESC because they have been the honest traders of information instead of propaganda.
It is difficult to exploit viewers if you don’t allow them, and ESC had made the best effort to maintain decency and honestly of their site over a long and loyal viewership. I will always trust this site before FB or twitter.
ESC has resisted efforts to politicize local issues even while citizens have been taken through the coals this election season,but supported locals in elections. the use of its platform for that activity hasn’tfound a home at ESC to politicize for readers.

Happy Holidays!