The Brisbane Certified Farmers’ Market Submitted by City of Brisbane January 16, 2014 Come pick up fresh produce, baked goods, prepared foods, spreads, and lots more at Brisbane’s weekly Farmers’ Market, located in the Community Park (11 Old County Rd.,…
Author: Editor
Local Hook Ups for Day Care
South San Francisco, CA January 17, 2014 We were recently asked for a local hook up for daycare in South City for a 20 month old child. Many of our neighbors offered recommendations which we are listing here for reference…
Adventure of the Stolen iPhone
Adventure of the Stolen iPhone by *Pumpkin Programmer (a.k.a. Karlina Beringer) Last night something terrible happened. On my way home from work, I left my iPhone on the BART train. After the train doors closed when I got off at…
Governor Brown Declares Drought State of Emergency
SAN FRANCISCO – With California facing water shortfalls in the driest year in recorded state history, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today proclaimed a State of Emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for these…
Kevin Mullin SMDJ OP-ED: Pay down debt and invest in California’s future
SAN MATEO DAILY JOURNAL OP-ED Pay down debt and invest in California’s future January 17, 2014, 05:00 AM By Kevin Mullin On Jan. 6, the Legislature reconvened for the second half of our two-year session. This year, we will consider…
GAME ON! $49 bucks for a lucky 49er fan!
South San Francisco, CA January 17, 2014 GAME ON! This month’s GAME ON contest will award the lucky winner $49 bucks for the winning 49er spirit photo! Winner will randomly be chosen and announced during half time this Sunday as…
Coffee with Kevin January 24 at Philz Coffee in Westborough
South San Francisco, CA January 16, 2014 NEXT Friday noon – 2pm C’mon over to Philz Coffee in Westborough to chat up with Assemblymember Kevin Mullin & Assemblyman Phil Ting. Let them know what is on YOUR mind – Great…
Martin Luther King Day observed Monday January 20th
South San Francisco, CA January 16, 2014 Martin Luther King day is a nationally recognized holiday on the 3rd Monday in January. Schools and federal, state, county and city offices will be closed in observance unless otherwise noted. Transportation updates…
FIRE & WATER Concerns & Solutions UPDATE- Drought now official
South San Francisco, CA January 16, 2014 UPDATE; Gov declares drought state of emergency FIRE & WATER INFORMATION: While this weather is incredible, it is also incredible to have RED FLAG warnings in January – but we have ’em. Extreme…
Nancy Bakir is home SAFE!
South San Francisco, CA January 14, 2014 NANCY IS HOME SAFE!! Thank you to EVERYONE who shared this post, looked for her, prayed for her and her family. You are the best! From Ammar Bakir I WOULD LIKE TO…