South San Francisco, CA August 19, 2019 Submitted by Sheri Boles, City of South San Francisco The City of South San Francisco is holding our Citywide Garage Sale on Saturday, September 14, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Citywide Fall…
Category: Government
Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA’s Pet of the Week: Hank and Larry
South San Francisco, CA August 15, 2019 Submitted by Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA Chonky is an adjective describing an animal that is adorably round, plump, pudgy. And boy do we have an adorable dyad of chonks for you. …
South San Francisco Unified School District Superintendent to Address Community in Back to School Speech
South San Francisco, CA August 15, 2019 submitted by Peter Feng,SSFUSD South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) Superintendent Dr. Shawnterra Moore will welcome the district community back to school in a morning address scheduled for 8:00 AM on Monday,…
South San Francisco General Plan Update: Community Meetings Announced Dates/Times/Neighborhood Locations
South San Francisco, CA August 14, 2019 Submitted by Lisa Sanders, General Plan Administrator, South San Francisco General Plan Update: Community Meetings Description The City of South San Francisco is hosting a series of sub-area meetings for the 2040 General…
Clean Cars for All & Electric Vehicle Showcase this Saturday August 17th at SSF Farmers’ Market
South San Francisco, Ca August 14, 2019 Submitted by Sheri Boles, City of South San Francisco South City, Come One, Come All! THIS SATURDAY’s “Clean Cars for All & Electric Vehicle Showcase” @ YOUR SSF Farmers’ Market South City,…
Kishiwada Exchange Students and Host Families to be Guests of Honor Thurs Aug 15 Dinner; Public Invited
South San Francisco, CA August 13, 2019 Submitted by Frank McAuley, President, South San Francisco Sister Cities Association This Thursday we will welcome the students visiting from our Sister City, Kishiwada, Japan. We will host them at the Elks Lodge…
SSFPD Media Release: ABC Decoy Shoulder Tap Operation
South San Francisco, CA August 13, 2019 Submitted by SSFPD Officers from the South San Francisco, San Bruno, and Pacifica Police Departments have arrested 9 adults who purchased alcohol for minors on Saturday, August 10, 2019. The actions were the…
23rd Annual Senior Picnic set for August 16th
South San Francisco, CA August 12, 2019 Submitted by SSF Parks and Recreation Join the SSF Parks and Recreation Department Senior Services and the SSF Fire Department for the 23rd annual Senior Picnic at Orange Memorial Park. BBQ chicken, potato…
St Augustine Children’s Choir Performs in San Francisco’s 26th Pistahan Parade and Festival
South San Francisco, CA August 11, 2019 Submitted by Cleo Cruz, President,SACC Once again the St Augustine Children’s Choir represented our city to 26th Pistahan Parade & Festival in San Francisco yesterday. It was attended by Councilwoman Flor Nicolas,…
Volunteers Needed – Annual SMC Bike/Ped Count – September 10-15 2019
South San Francisco, CA August 11, 2019 Submitted by Julia Malmo-Laycock Sustainability Specialist: Active Transportation The National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation (NBPD) Project is a nationwide effort to provide data collection and ongoing data for use by planners, governments,…