South San Francisco, CA February 1, 2019 by Cory David, SSF Resident LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The following is my personal opinion and observations and I am exercising my right to share them. People I have interacted with will remain nameless but…
Category: Historical
Thousands Lace Up Their Running Shoes Sunday For The Annual Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon, 10k, And 5k
South San Francisco, CA January 31, 2019 Submitted by Matt Skryja, Kaiser Permanente Race Proceeds Donated to Local Charities SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jan. 31, 2019 – The Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon, 5K, and 10K being held this…
Peninsula Clean Energy Grant Program Funds Outreach to Low-Income Residents
South San Francisco, CA January 30, 2019 Submitted by Kirsten Andrews-Schwind A Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) community grant program for local non-profits has enhanced outreach to low-income residents to help them save money on their energy bills. Acterra, El Concilio…
Oyster Point Yacht Club “FIRE VICTIM FUND RAISER” Set for March 2nd
South San Francisco, CA January 30, 2019 Submitted by Korilyn Membership Director for Entertainment Director Please join us for a fun night filled of raffle prizes, silent auction and all you can eat crab. All proceeds are going to help…
SSF Chamber of Commerce Announces SSF Student Scholarship Program: Deadline March 1st
South San Francisco, CA January 30, 2019 Submitted by South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce The South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce its sponsorship of college scholarships to assist high school seniors with their academic and/or…
SMC Supervisor David Canepa Announces January 31st Re-Election Kick Off at Antigua Cafe on Grand
South San Francisco, CA January 29, 2019 Submitted by David Canepa Dear Friend, I’m happy to announce that I am running for re-election to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 2020! DONATE TODAY! As I run…
REMINDER! PUC Community Meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, January 29th, starting at 5:30 p.m. at MSB
South San Francisco, CA January 28, 2019 Submitted by Leslie Arroyo City of South San Francisco The PUC Site is a 5.9-acre parcel of land owned by the Successor Agency to the former South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. The Site…
Soroptimist International of NSMC to Host Step Into Spring – 14th annual Benefit for Our Rising Stars March 1st
South San Francisco, CA January 27, 2019 Submitted by Cheryl Grantano Rich, Director Soroptimist International of North San Mateo County (SINSMC) Step Into Spring – 14th annual Benefit for Our Rising Stars Friday, March 1st, 2019; 5:30- 8 pm South…
Vendors Sought for All Souls Women’s Club Semi-Annual Flea Market – Sat April 6 / Sun April 7, 2019
South San Francisco, Ca January 25, 2019 Submitted by Nora Priego, All Soul’s Women’s Club Calling all vendors – sign up now for the semi-annual All Soul’s Women’s Club Flea Market!
Letter to Editor: Questioning the Proposed Civic Center Campus Updates
South San Francisco, CA January 24, 2019 by Laura Fanella, Sunshine Garden Resident/Homeowner EDITOR’S NOTE: Laura Fanella, a long time resident of South San Francisco, has been studying the proposed Civic Center Campus from the beginning and shares her notes,…