South San Francisco, CA October 7, 2022 Submitted by Karl Sonkin,Kaiser Permanente Kaiser Permanente’s Medicare health plan in California is consistently among the highest performing in the nation for clinical care and patient experience Kaiser Permanente’s Medicare health plan…
Category: Local
South San Francisco In Person Candidates Forum Wednesday October 19th at MSB from 6-7:30
South San Francisco, CA October 6, 2022 Submitted by Rosa Acosta, SSF City Clerk A candidate forum will be held Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 6-7:30pm at the MSB, 33 Arroyo Drive, SSF. This event is moderated by the…
Letter to Editor: Tom Carney for City Council District 5
South San Francisco, CA October 6, 2022 by Stella Miranda I confidently recommend Tom Carney for City Council. Tom excels in the areas of government ethics. In my years of working with Tom in various capacities, I have found him…
Letter to Editor: Vote YES on Measure DD — Don’t Listen to Corporate Lies
South San Francisco, CA October 6, 2022 by Natalie Wheatfall-Lum The state of childcare in South San Francisco has always been largely inaccessible and unaffordable. The city’s preschool program is immensely popular but underfunded, having a waitlist of over 700…
Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA’s Pet of the Week: Daisy
South San Francisco, CA October 6, 2022 Submitted by Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA There might not be enough words to describe how cute Daisy is but let us try. Adorable, precious, darling, charming…okay we’ll stop now, since you…
BLUE ANGELS are BACK! FLEET WEEK October 6, 7, 8, 9th!
South San Francisco, CA October 4, 2022 The Blue Angels are BACK and we just might catch a few glimpses of the on their practice runs tomorrow – LOOK UP! MORE INFO ON THIS LINK:
Annual Halloween Extravaganza October 22nd Announced by South San Francisco Park and Recreation
South San Francisco, CA October 5, 2022 by SSF Park and Recreation Dept Save the date! Join us at our Annual Halloween Extravaganza event Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Orange Memorial Park in…
Gomez Picazo Foundation Presents 5th Annual Car Show Friday October 7th at St Roberts 5-9pm: Raffles Food Live Music
South San Francisco, CA October 5, 2022 h/t to San Bruno Life FREE admission at this family-friendly event presented by Gomez Picazo Foundation this Friday at St Roberts in San Bruno. See the flyer below for more information
How Sweet to Work for See’s Candies – Openings Available in South San Francisco
South San Francisco, CA October 5, 2022 You can hear the sense of pride our readers have expressed when relaying stories of having worked at See’s Candies through the years. Some of our neighbors have followed in the footsteps of…
Livable California to Host Teleconference Saturday, Oct 8 at 10 AM, to Discuss Housing Bills that Passed this Session
South San Francisco, CA October 4, 2022 Submitted by Livable California Please join our Zoom call this Saturday at 10 AM. We will discuss some of the housing bills passed this session. An extensive list from the Governor’s signing…