Category: Police & Fire

South San Francisco welcomes new police officers

Please join us in in welcoming the newest Officers of the South San Francisco Police Department Badge And Swearing In Ceremony Officer Amy Sariotti Officer Karena Shum Officer Mark Kosta Officer Robert Kerrigan Jordan Cagonot Parking Enforcement Officer Nelson Primo…

IPAD & IPHONE thief among us – Be aware

Everything South City has shared the report from our South San Francisco Police Department on our Facebook Page regarding a thief hitting our local businesses and stealing IPADs and IPHONES while distracting the personnel. Heads up- IPAD/IPHONE Thief among us…

PGE and other discounts for those with low income

Did you know there are discounts on certain utilities for those with low incomes? Low-income customers that are enrolled in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program receive a 20 percent discount on their electric and natural gas bills.…