South San Francisco, CA March 28, 2014 Submitted by Santana Herda-Camacho Run for Schools 5K South San Francisco Unified School District Saturday, May 3, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PDT) The SSFUSD 2nd annual 5K fundraiser is here! …
Category: Resources
Kamala – this is where you will add URL links:
SSF Library to hire page
South San Francisco, CA March 27, 2014 The South San Francisco Main Library will be testing for the Library Page position. The test will take place on April 24, 2014 at 6:00 PM in the auditorium at the South San…
Community rallies to have art programs included in school budget
South San Francisco, CA March 28, 2014 Submitted by Laura Alban Walsh Dear Parents, Gov. Brown has mandated every district in California come up with a 3 year plan (Local Control Accountability Plan) The LCAP must outline goals, how we…
Indigenous Art of Weapons Based Fighting – FREE Demo & Lecture
South San Francisco, CA March 28, 2014 Submitted by Adam Elsholz Join South San Francisco Public Library for a lecture and demo of Kenpo-Eskrima, April 12 at the Grand Ave. Branch and April 13 at the Main Library on West…
SSFPD Media Release: Distracted Driving Awareness Month
South San Francisco, CA March 28, 2014 Submitted by SSFPD FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: South San Francisco Police Department Joins Crackdown on Texting and Handheld Cell Use Behind the Wheel South San Francisco – As part of April’s Distracted Driving Awareness…
SSFPD Media Release: Suspicious Circumstance, Trespassing, Possible Child Annoyance
South San Francisco, CA March 28, 2014 Submitted by SSFPD On Thursday, March 27, 2014 at about 10:10 a.m., several students reportedly saw a man walk onto the playground area where students were at play during recess. The students alerted…
Rain predicted Friday, Saturday and beyond
South San Francisco, CA March 27, 2014 Submitted by SSFFD Expect to see a bit of the much needed rainfall in the next few days. As with new rains, remember to allow yourself extra driving time as you slow down…
Red Light Cameras To Go says SSF City Council
South San Francisco, CA March 28, 2014 RED LIGHT CAMERAS TO LEAVE SOUTH CITY! SSF City Council voted last evening(March 27) in favor of not renewing the contract with ATS for the red light cameras in South City with…
Breakfast club: Decades-long ritual for St. Veronica Massgoers
Rebroadcast from Catholic San Francisco by By Valerie Schmalz March 26, 2014 Breakfast club: Decades-long ritual for St. Veronica Massgoers (Photo by Valerie Schmalz/Catholic San Francisco) St. Veronica 8:30 a.m. Mass breakfast club members gathered recently for a group photo…
SSFUSD and the Local Control Accountability Plan
South San Francisco, CA March 25, 2014