362 search results for "sign hill"

Betty Ruth Seubert Obituary

South San Francisco, CA     August 12, 2017  Our deepest sympathies go out to the Seubert family upon the passing of matriarch Betty Ruth Seubert on Tuesday. The Seubert family has given so much to #SSF; Betty was named…

Wild Turkeys Claim South City as Home

South San Francisco, CA   March 17, 2017  from our FB UPDATE BELOW FROM SSFPD 4.25.2017   When our South City neighbor, Alex Cheung, sent us this photo of wild turkeys roaming Westborough we just couldn’t believe it and shared…

South City Coyote Sightings Around Town

South San Francisco, CA   January 12, 2017    Reports of coyote sightings around town seem to have increased this past month or so, or at least there are more reports of them. Today Cathy Anne Oliva posted this warming…