Month: December 2012

Gupta appointed to City Council

Congratulations to Pradeep Gupta on his appointment to our City Council filling the vacancy from Kevin Mullin. From our City Clerks Office: “Dr. Pradeep Gupta appointed to fill City Council seat vacated by Hon. Kevin Mullin through November 5, 2013;…

South City LOVES our 49ers!

From the archives, ESC pulls out our 49er red as we keep our fingers crossed hoping our local SF 49ers can make it to the playoffs – and move onto the SUPER BOWL! UPDATE: WIN!! YES!

Happy and SAFE New Year’s Eve

With New Year’s Eve arriving in the next 24 hours now is the time to program some emergency numbers and contacts in your phone if you plan to be out on the town ringing in the new year. *Once again…

Genentech goes GEEKNAM Style

Genentech, always known for being a great place to work is also a great place to play. Andy Wang leads Genentech employees in a tribute to the greatest of all music videos, in true geek style on this YouTube video…

Coyote sightings in South City

There have been many recent reports of coyote sightings in our city. While this is not new, there does seem to be an increase in sightings as well as more public locations. San Bruno Mountain range has long been home…

HOME for the holidays

    Our city has long been known for our Christmas decorations from early days on Lilac Lane to recent years through Parkway Estates.  The Christmas lights through out the downtown area go up every year after Thanksgiving and give…


On December 20, 2012 ESC set about a ‘soft launch’ of our website and we thank everyone for the feedback we have already received. ESC will continue to grow organically as our readers interest identifies directions and uses that benefit…

Are you living in a flood zone?

Many homeowners have received recent notification from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) stating they are now living in an area that may be a risk for flooding.  The notice alerts homeowners to the fact they must now purchase flood insurance…