Month: March 2014

Rain predicted Friday, Saturday and beyond

South San Francisco, CA               March 27, 2014              Submitted by SSFFD Expect to see a bit of the much needed rainfall in the next few days. As with new rains, remember to allow yourself extra driving time as you slow down…

Red Light Cameras To Go says SSF City Council

South San Francisco, CA    March 28, 2014   RED LIGHT CAMERAS TO LEAVE SOUTH CITY! SSF City Council voted last evening(March 27) in favor of not renewing the  contract with ATS for the red light cameras in South City with…

7 Mile House & Keepers of the Flame

South San Francisco, CA     March 23, 2014 The 7 Mile House is proud to continue the long standing love affair between locals and  jazz. To show their commitment they are now featuring jazz three nights a week; Sunday, Monday &…

Senior Scam Stopper Seminar

Senior Scam Stopper Seminar Assemblymember Kevin Mullin, in partnership with Supervisor Dave Pine and the Contractors State License Board, invite you to attend a Senior Scam Stopper Seminar. Friday, April 4, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Chetcuti Room (near…

Youth Boxing Club Opens On Grand Avenue

South San Francisco, CA   March 22, 2014    Submitted by Robert Fernandez 415 Boxing Club is located in South San Francisco on Grand Ave.We are geared towards training youth 8-18 for local,state,regional and national competitions.If you know of youths that are…