Month: November 2015

SSF KaloBios (KBIO) Slashes 61% of Workforce, Considers Sale

South San Francisco, CA    November 8, 2015                      Re-broadcast from BioSpace November 6, 2015 By Mark Terry, Breaking News Staff After a string of disappointing clinical trials, South San Francisco-based KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (KBIO) announced yesterday that it was slashing…

High School Exit Exams Suspended under SB172

South San Francisco, CA     November 6, 2015      California Legislature Information Senate Bill No. 172 CHAPTER 572 An act to amend Section 60640 of, to add Section 60851.5 to, and to add and repeal Section 60851.6 of, the Education Code,…

SSFUSD Seeks to Address Lunch Program Deficit

South San Francisco, CA   November 6, 2015  Submitted by John Horgan, SSFUSD The South San Francisco Unified School District is seeking to work with parents of students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches but have not filled out official…

Preparing for the Predicted 2015/16 El Niño

South San Francisco, CA   November 5, 2015     Submitted by Councilwoman Liza Normandy ~ In anticipation of a very wet predicted “El Niño” weather pattern the City of South San Francisco is taking a prudent stance to prepare for possible significant…

The History of Plymire-Schwarz House on Grand Avenue

South San Francisco, CA    November 5, 2015    Submitted by Julie Chimenti, Historical Society SSF The Plymire-Schwarz House at 519 Grand Avenue has an interesting history and many of us probably walk or drive by without giving it a second thought.…