South San Francisco, CA September 1, 2022
Last evening Jesus Pena and Patricia Watson, parents of Juliana Pena, flipped the switch to light up City Hall in GOLD, as well as ‘Juliana’s lite tree on Sign Hill‘. “Juliana LOVED that tree” Patricia explained to us in 2014 when the tree was first lit up for September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. “She would stand at the window and just stare at that tree, night after night, and would even fall asleep with all the shades up until it turned off at 12:03 am every night.”
The City has continued this tradition at the outpouring of demands made by residents last year, knowing we have lost too many little ones to this horrific disease, and the numbers of kids being diagnosed are increasing! Those children who battle this beast and survive will be forced to deal with side effects the rest of their lives. We live in the midst of one of the largest biotech hubs in the world with South San Francisco being the ‘birthplace of Biotechnology’. We hope one day a cure for these childhood cancers will be found and that these young lives will have a higher value than profits. Currently only 4% of funding goes to childhood cancers. 4%. Hope. Hope is what our lights stand for, and for every child, every family who has had to deal with this journey.
While Juliana’s journey is what struck the match to make our City stand up for these youngsters who cannot stand up for themselves, our lights shine for all of them – and we want to know their names. We want to remember each and every one of them. They all matter.
To that end, please consider adding the name of the child in your circle who has had cancer, last names are not necessary. If you choose, you can also list their age when diagnosed, type of cancer, prognosis and any other comments or memories you might want to share. Photos are also welcomed and can emailed to use HERE.
***We remember Jordan Ponce, who left us on Sept 27, 2020 after fighting Ewing’s Sarcoma
We remember David Maurice who left us at the age of 2 after battling Leukemia
We remember Elena, daughter of South City natives Ashley and Freddy Cosino, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in December 2018

Elena was healthy and happy 5-month old when a high fever revealed every parents worse fear; their baby girl was diagnosed with cancer.

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***Below we share words from our FB community in response to our Sept 2022 post remembering Jordan***
Lea Turner
Ben Diao
RIP and condolences to the family.
Denise Andre
May he be in God’s loving arms!
Mirna Solorzano
Amen zdescanse en Paz
Delfina Guardado
Dios Lo tenga en su Santa Gloria el está Disfrutando el Reino de los Cielos
Josephine Santos
Rest in Peace
Heather Burns
Sweet, intelligent young man who always asked the best questions. I was blessed to teach him Science in Third grade. He was so loved and is terribly missed!
Carolyn Roach Hansen
So very sorry.
Linda Christine
Condolences to the family and friends for the loss of dear soul Jordan!
Anya Valentino
My heart breaks for Jordan Ponce’s family and friends
Cancer is horrible and especially when it comes to children being affected , it is absolutely heartbreaking
Light to you, Jordan , Happy 13th Birthday in Heaven You are one of the brightest stars that shines upon us all.
Gita Wylder
All cancers are horrible but this one is super painful and horrible for any kid to have. So sad, kids in this age group get it & rarely live from it. My heart breaks for his family & friends and all the hearts he touched.
Nuna Mingo
Sending prayers and healing thoughts to the family and friends.
Dulce Lanzarin – Mariona
May he rest in eternal peace
Sidney Orr
I lost a younger brother to leukemia…
Anya Valentino
Sidney Orr really so sad It is a terrible cancer
Everything South City
Sidney Orr what is your brother’s name, so we might remember him as well?
Anya Valentino
Everything South City his name was David Maurice He was only 2 yrs old , it was Leukemia , and in the 40’s there was zero chance of survival
Everything South City
We will remember him as well
Heart hugs to you
Colleen McCorkle Howell
Is there a plaque or anything
Anya Valentino
Colleen McCorkle Howell He Is buried in LA
Janet Fuentes
Rest In Peace
May G. Alferez
GIF may contain Anjo, Angel, hdwan, Sparkle, Heart and Halo
Roxanne Harrison
May he rest in Heaven
Silvia Machado
Teresa Jara Padilla
que descanses en paz que el señor lo acoja en su santo seno que estoy segura que así es por el sufrimiento qué pasó y mucha fortaleza asus familia por esta gran pérdida de un jovencito con toda una vida por delante
Catalina Rocha
Nosotros la Familia Ledezma los abrazamos en el nombre de Dios, por el dolor de perder s un jovencito , vivimos lo mismo con nuestro Felix, Ed muy dolorido una pérdida, descansa en Paz pequeño Gran Jordan
Everything South City
Catalina Rocha our heart extends to you and yours on the loss of your sweet one Felix.
Phil Fioresi Sr.
I only knew Jordan for a short time we drafted him on our Little league team. He was a great little guy tried a real gamer. His Viper family remembers him
[…] Every year the City of South San Francisco remembers and honors the young ones that have had to battle cancer by lighting ‘Juliana’s lite tree’ on Sign Hill and City Hall in GOLD, the color associated with Childhood Cancer. If you have a child in your circle that you would like remembered, please CLICK HERE. […]