Category: Government

Mission Blue Butterfly Monitoring on Sign Hill

South San Francisco, CA  May 27, 2021 Submitted by Emma Lewis, Natural Resource Specialist For three months, City College of San Francisco student Brittney Johansen surveyed Sign Hill weekly for mission blue butterflies. Before Brittney’s scientific efforts, City staff knew…

SBPD Media Alert: Mountain Lion Breaks Through House Window of San Bruno Resident

South San Francisco, CA  May 26, 2021  Submitted by San Bruno Police Department May 25, 2021   SUBJECT:                              Mountain Lion Activity CASE NUMBER:                    2101395 DATE OCCURRED:               05/25/2021 TIME OCCURRED:                12:20 am CONTACT PERSON:            Lieutenant Brent Schimek Press release by:             Sergeant…

84th Stern Grove Festival Kicks Off June 20th

South San Francisco, CA  May 23, 2021 by Stern Grove Festival Organizers are thrilled to announce the City has approved that the 84th season may continue live this year! Stay tuned for their line-up announcement soon and get ready to…