South San Francisco, CA August 12, 2021 Sandy Neideffer Leiendecker, owner of Hair Definition in San Bruno, recently found a few wedding albums and is asking for help in finding the owners. If you are, or if you know the…
Category: Regional
Action Plan Outlined by Livable California on SB 8, 9, 10
South San Francisco, CA August 12, 2021 by Livable California The Statewide Town Hall on Saturday August 7th had 1100 attendees! Everyone on the zoom was informed about the impacts of SB 9 and SB 10 and asked to…
Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA’s Pet of the Week: Salma
South San Francisco, CA August 12, 2021 Submitted by Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA If Salma were to join the pop music band The Spice Girls, her stage name would be Spicy Spice. This one-year-old spayed female Brown Tabby with… to Launch Weekly Pet Digest
South San Francisco, CA August 10, 2021 We are excited to announce the launch of our weekly pet digest next week as we work to keep our local neighbors connected with relevant information that will be beneficial. During the…
The YES Company: Helping Clients Liquidate with Estate Sales in San Francisco, CA
South San Francisco, CA August 10, 2021 NOTE: We’ve had many neighbors ask for recommendations on help when it comes to clearing out their homes as they move elsewhere, and/or help on Estate Sales. We believe the YES Company, located…
Seeking SMC Kids K-5th to Enter Drawing Contest for HIP Housing Calendar
South San Francisco, CA August 10, 2021 Submitted by Chris Sturken, HIP Housing HIP Housing Calendar Art Contest HIP Housing is a non-profit affordable housing organization in San Mateo County. Each year, we host a calendar art contest for…
Letter to Editor: STOP Monsanto Roundup Use at Local Parks in South San Francisco
South San Francisco, CA August 10, 2021 by N. Loza Why is South San Francisco, California South San Francisco Parks and Recreation still spraying Cancer Causing Round Up next to the schools, on the parks, fields our kids play, where…
The SBA Launches New PPP Forgiveness Portal
South San Francisco, CA August 9, 2021 Submitted by Brisbane Chamber of Commerce The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has launched a streamlined application portal to allow borrowers with ‘Paycheck Protection Program’ (PPP) loans $150,000 or less through participating lenders to…
Online Safety Reminders: Social Media, Emails, Cyber Attacks and more
South San Francisco, Ca August 9, 2021 Far too many people today are giving up information so easily without thinking of potential consequences when they are on social media. Many of the ‘fun quizzes’ ask for the same personal information…
SSF United Youth Soccer League Fall 2021 Sign Ups in Process – Register Now!
South San Francisco, CA August 9, 2021 Submitted by Patty Gomez, SSFUYSL South San Francisco United Youth Soccer League (SSF United) was created to provide a full range of soccer services to the South San Francisco and surrounding areas. Our…