South San Francisco, Ca July 13, 2023 US White House Press Release Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty By the authority vested in me as President by…
Category: Regional
Spotlight on Local Business: Welcoming ‘Walang Sayang Eco’ our NEW South City business!
Fish Market – Another Local Favorite Set to Close September 20th
South San Francisco, CA July 12, 2023 Say it isn’t so! Another one of our long-time favorite eateries will be closing, the Fish Market in San Mateo will shutter its doors on September 20th. The Palo Alto location will also…
Annual Water Quality Reports Now Available for California Water Service Customers
South San Francisco, CA July 12, 2023 Press Release To help residents and businesses learn about their local water supply California Water Service (Cal Water) encourages its customers to visit and view their annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). Customers…
SFO Roundtable Submission to Federal Register FAA Request for Comments on the Civil Aviation Noise Policy Review
South San Francisco, CA July 12, 2023 Viewable as a link to the Roundtable website: SFORT Combined documents Submission: FAA 2023-0855 Civil Aviation Noise Policy Review Comment Letter & Attachments Good Day: On June 7, 2023 at a regular…
Kaiser Permanente Patient’s Daughter Galvanized to Become Hospice Nurse
South San Francisco, CA July 12, 2023 Submitted by Karl Sonkin, Kaiser Permanente A palliative care doctor at the Kaiser Permanente South San Francisco Medical Center brought comfort and inspiration to a dying woman’s daughter. The word hospice was hard…
July 2023 Rentals in San Mateo County: Have a room? Need a room?
South San Francisco, CA July 11, 2023, Submitted by HIP Housing Do you know anyone looking for a housemate or renter or trying to rent out a room in their home? HIP Housing’s non-profit Home Sharing program can help make…
SSFPD Press Release: Celebrate Fourth of July Weekend Responsibly
South San Francisco, CA July 3, 2023 SSFPD Press Release Be Safe. Be Smart. Plan Ahead and Do Your Part: Celebrate Fourth of July Weekend Responsibly The South San Francisco Police Department reminds drivers to do their part to keep…
Dr Skerry from SSF Kaiser, Offers Tips on Overcoming Digital Eye Strain and Fatigue
South San Francisco, CA July 2, 2023 from SSF Chamber of Commerce Newsletter July is vision awareness month. And whether you work at a computer or laptop, you’ve probably felt the strain that screen time can put…
Mary Prem Joins SSF Chamber of Commerce as CEO
South San Francisco, CA July 2, 2023 A Message from Chamber CEO, Mary Prem Dear Chamber Members, I am thrilled to extend my warmest greetings to all of you as the new CEO of the South San Francisco Chamber of…