Category: Resources

Kamala – this is where you will add URL links:

PGE Outages – October 19, 2015

SSFPD Media Release: DUI Checkpoint Results

South San Francisco, CA  August 17, 2020 Submitted by SSFPD Two Drivers Arrested and 17 Drivers Issued Citations At South San Francisco DUI Checkpoint South San Francisco, – One driver was arrested for DUI while having a blood-alcohol limit almost…

PGE Initiate Rotating Power Outages Tonight in San Mateo County

South San Francisco, CA   August 16, 2020 Submitted by PGE As Statewide Heatwave Continues, California’s Grid Operator Will Likely Direct PG&E to Initiate Rotating Power Outages Tonight Outages Expected to Affect Approximately 210,000 Customers in portions of San Francisco, San Mateo and Contra Costa Counties …

PGE Outages – Be Prepared!

South San Francisco, CA  August 15, 2020 As California experiences an extreme heatwave, PGE once again warns of rolling blackouts and power outages throughout the State. Currently, South City is not on the list for rolling blackouts yet we know…

South San Francisco Limo Driver Dies of COVID

South San Francisco, CA   August 14, 2020 by Pacific Workers’ Compensation Law Center OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Yesterday, Pacific Workers’ announced that they have filed a claim on behalf of the widow of Calixto Villanueva.  Villanueva died…