South San Francisco, CA October 28, 2013 “The Principal’s Blue & White Bash” Back by popular demand SSF HS Principal’s Blue & White Ball has been been revamped and renamed but the fun continues on Friday November 15, 2013 at…
Category: Local
San Bruno Mountain Watch Update: Volunteers Needed & Sports Sale Benefit
South San Francisco, CA October 28, 2013 San Bruno Mountain Watch is seeking volunteers. “San Bruno Mountain Watch’s Mission Blue Nursery needs volunteers on Wednesday mornings, from 10 am to 12:30.” SBWM Director Ken McIntire tells us, “The nursery grows…
What do cops do everyday?
South San Francisco, CA October 28, 2013 So what do cops do everyday? Hit the donut shop? Snag their required tickets for the day? Find a dead end street and catch a few Zzzz’s? What other illusions do you have…
South City Firefighters Grow ‘Staches’ for Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation
South San Francisco, CA October 28, 2013 South San Francisco Firefighters have once again joined in the fundraising efforts to support the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation. Everything South City has posted quite a few articles on this organization…
SSFUSD School Board Meeting Highlites October 24th
South San Francisco, CA October 28, 2013 Submitted by Liza Normandy SSFUSD Trustee
SSFPD Badge and Swearing In Ceremony November 13, 2013
South San Francisco, CA October 28, 2013 Everything South City welcomes our newest members of our police department to our city. Welcome and congratulations! From our city offices: You are invited to attend a Badge and Swearing In Ceremony To…
SSF 40th Annual Thanksgiving Fun Run – Nov 16th
November 16, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM @ Bay Trail at Oyster Point Marina. Mark your calendar now. Here’s a great event that gets you outdoors, running or walking along the beautiful Bay Trail and Oyster Point Marina.…
SamTrans Holds Meetings to Discuss Bus Rapid Transit Study Options
SamTrans Press Release October 25, 2013 SamTrans will hold a series of public meetings over the next two months to gather comments and discuss a study that will consider the possibility of Bus Rapid Transit service on El Camino Real.…
Centennial Transit Village at 180 El Camino Real voted down by council
South San Francisco, CA October 26, 2013 UPDATE: The plans have been approved and demolition of the current buildings is set to begin in 2015. This development will be a 10 year build out done in…
Liza Normandy; City Council Candidate 2013 4 year term information
South San Francisco, CA October 25 , 2013 ESC has worked to encourage our neighbors to come out and vote as this is a very important local election. We have 4 out of 5 city council seats to be filled…