Have you ever checked to see if there might be unclaimed money or other property that belongs to you from the state? Thanks to Tim for the heads up on California State Controller John Chiang’s efforts to get property back…
Category: News & Views
SSF Media Release- Woman Robbed
On Friday January 25, 2013, at just before noon, a Daly City woman was robbed by an unknown suspect as she left her work to make a bank deposit. The female victim (name withheld by request) had just left work…
Suspicious people in your neighborhood – PD Report
Who’s knocking on your door? PD reports 2 white males in their 20’s (or one may have been Hispanic) were hitting the 300 block of Arbor on Thur between 3:30-5:30 saying they worked for an alarm company and trying to…
Youth of the Year to be honored
Let’s join in with the Boys & Girls Clubs of North San Mateo County and congratulate our Youth of the Year Awardees! Come on out and support them at the Youth of the Year Event tomorrow, Thursday, 01/24 at 5:30…
WALMART and large format retail stores ordinance update
Update on the city council decision from Wednesday January 23, 2013 regarding large format retail stores; Council has voted to accept the extension of Ordinance 1462-2012 for 16 months. Thank you to Marie A for updating us last evening. More…
Residential Care Facilities; How do they impact property value?
Stanley Williams poses some good questions regarding residential care homes in our city. ‘How do residential care home impact our neighborhoods. Do they bring the value down? are they legal? are they regulated in any way? The house next…
Downtown Quality of Life Issues on Council Agenda January 23 2013
Cameras and smoking bans downtown are some of the ideas before council to help clean up the downtown area. Your thoughts? Here is the link to the city staff report regarding the possible smoking ban & camera surveillance in the…
Strong arm robbery on Linden at California
Heads up, yesterday Wednesday January 22, right before 7pm an elderly woman was forcibly robbed of her purse as she was getting off the bus on Linden. The suspect, approx age 35, Hispanic or Black man, med height/weight with a…
Housing Needs For The Next 5 Years – Your Input Is Needed
Still time to complete the city’s survey – ends January 31st – Do it! Let your voice & ideas be heard. Community Needs Assessment Survey – Avail until Jan 31st The City of South San Francisco requests your input on…
Old Neighbors Reunite On ESC – FB
Jerry Hull, a former South Citian, found our Facebook page and the following conversation took place. It’s great to see that we really are still a small city after all. I grew up in West Winston Manner. I went to…