362 search results for "sign hill"

Mayor’s State of the City 2013

South San Francisco May 16, 2013 STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS The annual state of the city address was given today  by our Mayor Pedro Gonzalez. This event was a luncheon held at the  South San Francisco Conference Center and…

Coyotes in our midst

Are there more coyotes among us or are we just now reporting more sightings? Neighbors have been reporting a surge in Coyotes sightings this past year even to the point that the city put up warnings at Orange Park. Everything…

Green Bridges for Animal Safety

We had some news from an ESC friend, “FYI, a dead coyote on the 280 southbound to 380 under crossing. A big coyote” We’ve had discussion on our Facebook page before about ‘green bridges’, such as this one in Germany…

Coyote Update

COYOTES: Last Saturday night, January 26, Angelina Anderson Media let us know that a coyote was spotted on Chestnut, that was about 9:30pm. At 8:30 tonight we had another heads up; ”at 830 coyotes were heard all around sign hill…

Old Neighbors Reunite On ESC – FB

Jerry Hull, a former South Citian, found our Facebook page and the following conversation took place.  It’s great to see that we really are still a small city after all. I grew up in West Winston Manner. I went to…

Coyote sightings in South City

There have been many recent reports of coyote sightings in our city. While this is not new, there does seem to be an increase in sightings as well as more public locations. San Bruno Mountain range has long been home…

HOME for the holidays

    Our city has long been known for our Christmas decorations from early days on Lilac Lane to recent years through Parkway Estates.  The Christmas lights through out the downtown area go up every year after Thanksgiving and give…

ESC Recap November 19 thru December 5, 2012

Everything South City is an online community group where people share what’s up in South City in real time. This is a recap of some of the recent posts.  Join in on the conversation at www.EverythingSouthCity.com or find us on…