Election 2022 Recommendations; Vote Presidente District 1, Vote Carney District 5

South San Francisco, CA  October 9, 2022


Overview: This November, South San Francisco voters have important issues to consider on their ballots and it is important to realize that there are a lot of outside interests, efforts and big money working to influence our votes.


For over a decade Everything South City has been a sounding board for our neighbors and this writing is a reflection of what has been discussed over and over again. That said, there is no one voice to speak for the full of our Districts, or Candidates, including Unions and other endorsers.


We offer this opportunity for our own local South City community to respectfully share opinions in the comment section below. We ask all commenters to identify themselves by name and district, thank you.  {please note it may take up to 12 hours for comments to appear}




The billions upon billions of dollars pumped into, and through, our City has not reflected the desires and needs of our residents. There continues to be more cranes in the air building higher and higher corporate buildings while simple basic needs such as the return of the Spruce Avenue Safeway grocery store and the construction of safe sports fields for those who  live here have have been delayed for years.


Complaints ranging from the interference of daily routines due to unending construction, increased traffic and overall congestion, unaffordable new shiny apartments, to the back room deals, political favoritism, cronyism, and unethical, if not illegal happenings behind the scenes, continue to fall on seemingly deaf ears.


Previously our City elections were ‘at large’ and this election will complete the full City into ‘District’ representation. While this may bring a more refined eye to each deserving district, it is also important that we remember our Council works as a whole.


To that end, many residents have expressed exasperation as they see positions to Boards, Commissions and elected seats as simply stepping stones to further their political aspirations.They also are not in favor of our elected officials putting the requests of higher office holders above the needs of the residents. And while some politicians may choose to remain as a local ‘public servant’, it has been noticed that some may use their influence for their own self-gratification, and not for the betterment of those who live here, the residents.


It is time to return our City to the people who live here.

But we can only do that if voters do some research beyond the glossy flyers and the glad speak of political groups, beyond the loyalty too often given to our Council members in lieu of appointment to the Boards, Commissions, long time relationships, being part of the ‘in-crowd’, or to appease anyone beyond themselves. This is not a popularity contest, it is about representing the values and ideals local voters want in a representative.


Further, we must remember this is not a high school test requiring all the spaces be filled in – if a voter is not completely versed on an issue, it’s better to either educate oneself, or pass on that item.


Your ballot is YOUR ballot with voting done in private to allow each of us to express ourselves every few years without fear of reprisal. While many residents complain about the issues stated above, they will continue to be influenced by others, not having done their own due diligence to ensure their true voice is heard and their vote recorded on their ballot.

We get what we vote for


It is important that while we are tasked to vote for one candidate in our district, we must also keep in mind our full council which currently consists of Mark Addiego, James Coleman, Eddie Flores, Mark Nagales, and Buenaflor ‘Flor’ Nicholas, who work as a whole body.


Of these five it has become evident that three are eager to pursue higher levels of government and we must be mindful of who we allow to use our City as a stepping stone, generally decisions will not be made in the long-term interest of residents. They must play to another audience and it’s been rare for a councilmember to do both.


Mark Addiego first came to Council in the 80’s, departed for San Francisco where he ran for Supervisor, only to return when times were ripe for the extensive expansion of the massive influx of biotech industries. He has served for a total of six terms, 25 years on our City Council, and is seeking an additional 4 year term. While he has held several addresses in the City due to his family’s property holdings, he has currently returned to Sunshine Gardens and is running to represent District 1. It should be noted Addiego was fiercely against the pushback by neighbors who have resisted the 12 to 16-story high rise slated for the ‘PUC’ land located in District 1.  That issue seemed resolved when then Mayor Normandy agreed, along with Council, the development would be scaled between 3-5 stories as she instructed the developers at the May 2, 2018 council meeting. Upon Normandy’s retirement, the new administration ignored the agreement and once again residents will need to express what they want to see in their neighborhood in this area within District 1. Stay tuned.


James Coleman, self-described as the ‘youngest openly queer Asian socialist democrat to be elected to council’ has already campaigned for State Senate after serving only one year on our council upon returning home from College during the pandemic shutdowns. He enjoys much support by others who do not live or work in our city who share his agenda although his experience at the local level is lacking.


Eddie Flores, abandoning his elected position as School Board Trustee, was appointed to our City council two years ago stating he was representing District 1 in Sunshine Gardens and would not be seeking election in 2022. He has since has moved to District 5. From his short stint in elected public service it is not hard to see he too has higher aspirations, and while this might be commendable, it has not been in sync with what residents have asked for, nor what he agreed to when appointed.


Mark Nagales has worked through the ranks in our City over a long period of time while having also worked as an aide for Senator Jackie Speier. Nagales has higher aspirations and has patiently timed each step while serving our City. Married, with children and a mortgage, Nagales is well invested into our City in which he himself was raised.


Buenaflor ‘Flor’ Nicolas is on the ballot, unopposed, for District 3*, having lived in the area for decades while raising her family and working in our local biotech sector. Because of her deep and extended roots here in South City, we can expect she will remain and continue the balance she brings with her interactions with the community.


DISTRICT 1 Candidates

Incumbent: Mark Addiego has served on our City Council for 26 years, six full terms, beginning in 1980. Addiego has been on the forefront of our City’s explosive growth in the biotech industry, to the point of having traveled to China to encourage more business to our City. The tax revenue has brought great wealth locally, along with thousands of job opportunities for many in our City, our region, and beyond. However, as many can attest, the jobs to housing ratio has been completely unsustainable for over a decade and the unbridled growth is the main concern of the majority of residents. Addiego, who recently had lived in the condos on Mandalay Place, overlooking the East side of town, is now recording his residence in District 1.


NOTE: Addiego has a wealth of institutional knowledge and knows the inner workings of the City, however, serving the public in any position should not be a life time career,  it’s time for him to move on and let others share and guide from here.

Addiego no website available, extremely limited info via google



Challenger: Angelique Presidente has served our community in volunteer positions while raising her four children in Sunshine Gardens, in the same neighborhood and schools she enjoyed. Presidente, who is passionate about what has made South City home, the small town feeling, also recognizes the need for safe parks, affordable housing, and childcare. . Further, Presidente was a leading advocate in the PUC property recognizing a high rise does not fit in residential neighborhoods.  She is committed to working towards sensible growth, especially within her District where the PUC development is slated.


NOTE: Presidente offers the balance needed in having another woman on our Council and has shown to be a quick study. Presidente comes with life experiences and excels at multitasking, prioritizing and finding common ground to resolve problems. She is not beholden to any corporations, politicians, or outside interests; her focus is on her community.

Presidente website HERE https://presidentessf.com/



At this time Presidente would be our recommendation because of her ability to hear what neighbors are saying and advocating for quality of life items such as the PUC development. Residents have long said they are done with the extensive catering to the corporations and other politicians, and not caring about those those who actually cast the vote and live here. In addition, many believe a council seat should be a volunteer position representing the people, not a 25+ year career.


DISTRICT 5 Candidates


Appointed Incumbent: Eddie Flores has served on the Boys and Girls Club, Parks and Recreation, and was an elected Trustee on our School Board who then applied for, and was appointed to our Council in 2020 while living in District 1. On his appointment filing Flores responded that he would not be seeking election in 2022. Flores, a Progressive Socialist Democrat, is credited with promoting City’s programs including  ‘Every Kid Deserves a Bike’ , Catalytic Converter Etching, and  South City’s, Guaranteed Income Pilot program, the first in our County. Along with other members, Flores helped to negotiate a tentative union agreement for City employees to be signed by the City at the upcoming Council meeting.


NOTE:  Flores immigrated to the United States at the age of 7 with his mother, and is currently calling District 5 his home where he recently moved. His political focus seems to overshadow that of his community as exampled by his ‘first District 5 Town Hall meeting’. Originally this event was billed by City Hall as the Mayor’s Town Hall meeting only to then change the promotional outreach as a ‘joint meeting with SMC Supervisor Pine, to discuss issues that impact San Mateo County’. However, District 5 residents reported they did not know about this event. So, like with Coleman, you can foresee Flores’ political aspirations are beyond our local city council seat.

Flores website HERE https://www.eddiessf.com/


Challenger: Thomas Carney recently retired from his 27-year employment with the City of South San Francisco and knows how City Hall works, and understands how it should work. Beyond his employment duties (Public Works, Fire Department) Carney has untold hours of community volunteerism , receiving many awards including the Chamber of Commerce prestigious Outstanding Citizen of the Year  and the Rotary ‘Service Above Self’ award. His membership with California Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 3 resulted in his deployment to assist others including deployment to the 2017 east coast hurricane .Carney is a Veteran FEMA Urban Search and Rescue K-9 Handler since 2004. Married with three children, and a mortgage, Carney has made South City home and will be here for the long term.


NOTE: Carney immigrated to the United States at the age of 20, and as a first-generation American citizen he has devoted his life to helping improve the South San Francisco Community and beyond. His focus is quality of life first and foremost, with a balance to the East Side Life Science industries and the area’s small businesses, most notably in the downtown area, which are  located within District 5. Carney has a strong track record of achieving success with the programs he has implemented and of those he has partnered with.

Carney Website HERE. https://www.tomcarneyssf.com/



Challenger: Brittany Burgo has earned her solid reputation as a community volunteer, earning awards since her high school days in South City, having lived in her District for 20 years. Currently she is serving as a Commissioner on the Parks and Recreation Board, and pursuing her Master’s in Public Administration while working as an Assistant Auxiliary Director. Burgo is credited with successful food and toy drives, advocating for SamTrans bus shelters on the Linden Ave and Hwy 101 toll roads . She offers progressive views and is passionate about her community in which she has deep roots.


NOTE: Burgo , a proud Latinx with much to offer her community, is a strong advocate for the most vulnerable in District 5, especially in the downtown corridor where she is credited for her role in reestablishing Friends of Old Town. She offers the balance needed in having another woman on our Council.

Burgo Website HERE https://www.brittanyforsouthcity.com/district-5-needs




At this time Carney would be our recommendation because of the wealth of knowledge he has gained through decades of service to our City, both through his employment and as a citizen volunteer. His life experiences and his commitment and investment to remaining in South City bring the stability our council needs. This is in harmony with what our local community has been asking for the past decade.




Buenaflor “Flor” Nicolas is on the ballot, unopposed, for her position as Councilmember District *3



Rosa Govea Acosta is on the ballot, unopposed, for her position as City Clerk.




To read Candidate statements for the City Treasurer Race, please CLICK HERE. https://www.ssf.net/departments/office-of-the-city-clerk/november-8-2022-general-municipal-election/2022-candidates


Incumbent Frank Risso {no website}

Challenger Annie Lo (no website)


The past ten years plus, neighbors have made it known publicly their need for quality of life services to include safe neighborhood parks, playable sports fields for our kids, removal of blight, reduction of traffic congestion, rebuilding of the Spruce Ave Safeway (*this just broke ground after 10 years vacant blight), and housing built for residents They have complained City Hall/ Officials have not taken their interests and needs serious, and the focus on the corporate interests have taken priority. ESC has taken this into account with our recommendations while appreciating all the efforts from those who serve our community.


Carney and Presidente would offer their Districts the best choice for getting these things done that residents have called for through the years. They will remain accountable to the voting public, and their neighbors, having called South City home in the past, and in the future.


It is now up to the voters to cast their vote to reflect what it is they truly want.

Remember to vote November 8th.

More on voter registration HERE.

Candidates Forum

A candidate forum will be held Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 6-7:30pm at the MSB, 33 Arroyo Drive, SSF. This event is moderated by the League of Women Voters and is open to the public. It will also be livestreamed on the City website and on local channels Astound  -CH 26, AT&T  -CH 99,  Comcast -CH 27

If you have a question to submit for our candidates, please send to [email protected] and add City of SSF in the subject line

Thank you to our City Clerk, Rosa Acosta, for coordinating this important outreach.



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steve m
steve m
2 years ago

presidente and carny !! it is a no brainer. SSF should let us vote for all candidates .
my district has one only candidate. that I’m not thrilled about.i will write in Mikey mouse.

Phil Fioresi
Phil Fioresi
2 years ago

Great summary, in my opinion you have summed it up perfectly. It’s clear here in SSF a lot of people simply vote on name recognition then complain about whats going on here. It’s also clear our city council and city manager could care less about what the residents want and are on their own agenda. Watching Eddie Flores be “appointed” to the council was enough for me, do people actually know he IS for all this building? At least he seems to be, when asked about it he evades the question. Abd switching districts is just a scam in my opinion, you can’t tell me two can switch foe an election and nothing will be done. What a setup!

2 years ago

Is it legal for candidates to switch districts for this election?
Shady as shit

A voter

2 years ago
Reply to  Voter
Meghan b
Meghan b
2 years ago

Thank you for this information

Ricardo Gomez
Ricardo Gomez
2 years ago

It looks like the old guy finally got a website now and it should be added to your information but why doe he have a SF address too – on glover street?
It is a good thing a he has a challenger with President vs Addiego