Category: Opinions

Letter to Editor: SSF Planning Commission Meetings Need Better Outreach

South San Francisco, CA   September 22, 2021 by a Concerned Resident Letter to Editor, With all of the high rises, new homes without height consideration for neighbors, and passage of Bills 9 & 10, it is imperative that citizens attend Planning Commission meetings, 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month. This is the most important step in the review and approval process by Commissioners of both commercial & residential new construction and remodels. There is no doubt the Miller Ave building has affected all surrounding neighbors and concerned many…

End of an Era; by Capt Tom Mattusch

South San Francisco, CA  September 9, 2021 by Capt Tom Mattusch Preface by Tom: One of the most difficult things I have had to write. Answering the phone, scheduling, rescheduling, not knowing when crab season will start, I spent the…

The Story of Socks

South San Francisco, CA September 2, 2021 by Gwendalina Carrera This is the story of Socks, a sweet old cat who crossed the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago. I had to make the very difficult decision to help him…