South San Francisco, CA September 24, 2015 Submitted by The Office of Congresswoman Jackie Speier Dear Friends, Mark your calendar, we have a date for my next Job Hunters Boot Camp: Tuesday, October 13th at the San Mateo County Event…
Category: Government
SSFUSD Trustee Rosa Acosta Attends National Latino Education Summit
South San Francisco, CA September 24, 2015 Submitted by John Horgan, SSFUSD Rosa Acosta, a member of the South San Francisco Unified School District Board of Trustees, recently attended the 11the Annual National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials’…
Mike’s Musings: Jerry Hill Wants More Sales Tax
South San Francisco, CA September 22, 2015 Submitted by Michael Harris SMC County Journal Monday has front page article Jerry Hill wants more sales tax. (CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE) We need better roads for all the people…
Neighbors Share Memories As South San Francisco Turns 107 years old
South San Francisco, CA September 21, 2015 From Everything South City Facebook Page The City of South San Francisco is celebrating 107 years this month and we shared the photo of our City Hall on our facebook page.…
SSF Firefighters Return Home After Providing Assistance to Deadly Butte Fire
South San Francisco, CA September15, 2015 Submitted by Leslie Arroyo City of South San Francisco Additional fire personnel assigned remain as single resources on fires in the West Battalion Chief Steve Cardosi and three other members of the South San…
City Leaders Encourage Residents to Participate in National Voter Registration Day
South San Francisco, CA September 16, 2015 Submitted by City of South San Francisco On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, volunteers, celebrities, and organizations from all over the country will “hit the streets” for fourth annual National Voter Registration Day In one…
SSF Public Library Reaches Out to Children Evacuated Due to Butte Fire
South San Francisco, CA September 16, 2015 Submitted Rebecca Johnson, Library Manager UPDATE from our South San Francisco Public Library “The children and their families that were evacuated are no longer at the Casino, which is great news for them.…
South San Francisco Voted Top Ten Places to Raise a Family
South San Francisco, CA September 16, 2015 South San Francisco has been rated within the top ten City’s in which to raise a family by Reasons cited were Crime and Safety, Education, Access to Libraries, Community Grade, Housing Grade,…
California Smarter Balanced Assessment System Reports Low Marks for SSF Schools in English & Math
South San Francisco, CA September 11, 2015 The State of California’s Smarter Balanced Assessment System report shows SSFUSD dismal results when students in the grades 3 through 8, and 11th, were tested last spring. This test replaces the ‘STAR’ exams.…
South San Francisco Flags at Half-Staff for Patriot Day
South San Francisco, CA September 11, 2015 Submitted by City of South San Francisco Patriot Day falls on September 11th and is remembered globally as the anniversary of the catastrophic terrorist attacks on the United States, September 11th, 2001. Patriot…