Category: Opinions

Letter to Editor: Vote NO on Measure RR

South San Francisco, CA  October 25, 2020 by Jeffrey Tong I think voters face a dilemma with Measure RR.  On one hand, proponents claim NOT voting for it means more traffic gridlock.  On the other, SALES TAX is a REGRESSIVE TAX that…

Update on Animal Carcass in Dumpster

South San Francisco, CA   September 21, 2020 Everything South City was asked to find more information about a post on a social media platform that stated a dog was found dead, skinned, and cut in pieces, in a dumpster at…

GAME ON! Gotta Try Entrepanes Sandwich Co Today!

South San Francisco, Ca  August 21, 2020 Introducing ENTREPANES Sandwich Co. GAME ON info below! Already having established a thriving business on Grand Avenue, Victor Caicero saw another golden opportunity when a great location opened up at 331 Baden Avenue…