South San Francisco, CA August 20, 2018 by Angel More My name is Angel More, I am 15-years-old am attempting to swim the length of Lake Tahoe, a 21-mile swim, on August 24th. In the past, I swam the Alcatraz swim 51…
Category: Historical
San Mateo County Harbor District move to Districted Elections – Reminder of Public Meetings
South San Francisco, CA August 19, 2018 Submitted by SMCHD Continuing the process in the move to Districted Elections, the Harbor District will host two more public workshop meetings for the public to provide input for proposed draft maps which…
Best Library 2018 in USA invites you to Kalligraphia XV Exhibition by Elizabeth Nisperos
South San Francisco, CA August 19, 2018 by Elizabeth Nisperos Congratulations to the #1 Library in the Nation in 2018– the San Francisco Public Library I almost forgot I’ve an art piece in the best library of 2018.…
World Renowned San Francisco Giants Logo Flies Above It All; Roger Cain Capture
South San Francisco, CA August 20, 2018 South San Francisco Photographer Roger Cain has a special love for airplanes stemming back to his early years when his father worked for United Airlines. Add his love of photography and our close…
Kickoff for Colinas Costeras: NWF’s 1st Community Wildlife Habitat in SF Peninsula
South San Francisco, CA August 17, 2018 Submitted by Jeffrey Tong Please join us for the Kickoff for Colinas Costeras, NWF’s 1st Community Wildlife Habitat in SF Peninsula. The MISSION of Colinas Costeras is to replace the environmentally destructive…
PG&E Begins Electric Safety and Reliability Projects in San Mateo County – SSF, SB, SFO
South San Francisco, CA August 16, 2018 Submitted by SB Community Leader Robert Riechel Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is making safety and reliability improvements to several power poles and an electric transmission tower in San Mateo County. The…
Get YOUR T-Shirt: Support SSF Professional Firefighters Union Local 1507 National Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser
South San Francisco, CA August 16, 2018 Submitted by SSFFD Captain Travis Nuckolls Every October, the SSF Professional Firefighters Union Local 1507 honor National Breast Cancer Awareness month, by designing, producing and selling uniquely themed breast cancer awareness shirts. 100%…
Office Depot’s START PROUD Campaign Benefiting Martin Elementary School, Mrs. Carlino’s Class and SSFUSD
South San Francisco, CA August 16, 2018 Students and teachers at Martin Elementary School kicked off the first day of the new school year yesterday with a fun celebration and new gear, courtesy of Office Depot’s new philanthropic program, Start…
SSFPD Media Release: This Labor Day, and Every Day: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
South San Francisco, CA August 15, 2018 Submitted by SSFPD As we enter the final stretch of summer spending time at the pool or barbequing with friends and family, the South San Francisco Police Department is driving home the importance…
Brisbane’s Annual Star City Music Festival Set for Saturday August 18th
South San Francisco, CA August 15, 2018 City of Brisbane The City of Brisbane, CA & DreamStar West Announce: Star City Music Festival Starring Lyrics Born & Poor Man’s Whiskey August 18th, 2018 {8/18/18} Community Park, 1pm – 8:30pm (Gates…