South San Francisco, CA, November 21, 2023 – from City of SSF Updates El CAMINO REAL (Between Arroyo Dr. and Kaiser Way) Improvements continue along El Camino Real between Arroyo Drive and Kaiser Way as part of the Grand Boulevard…
South San Francisco, CA July 21, 2023 Note: Over the years, the focus of cities and the county on improving bike and pedestrian forms of transportation has increased, (see page five)the number of bicyclists in San Mateo County has not…
South San Francisco, CA July 20, 2023 Press Release EDIT MADE (parking on ECR will be removed, not traffic lanes) To ESC via email: Hello, Thank you so much for covering the temporary pilot project on El Camino Real…
South San Francisco, CA February 13, 2023 Submitted by SSFPD On February 9, 2023, at about 9:44 PM, South San Francisco Police Officers responded to the 1200 block of El Camino Real after civilians found a 71-year-old male laying in…
South San Francisco, CA September 2, 2022 Last week we shared a press release sent to us featuring the new development recently completed on El Camino Real and Chestnut Blvd in South San Francisco, the Nine88, on the footprint…
South San Francisco, CA April 9, 2022 by Alvaro Bettucchi At 3:00pm, Friday April 8th, I arrived at the Chestnut/New Police Station stop light. That particular stop signal and the one on El Camino Real, were not synchronized. Cars were…
South San Francisco, CA March 16, 2022 by Jeffrey Tong Ladies and Gentlemen; We have been facing life-threatening climate changes for decades – it’s just more apparent in the last 10 years. As it accelerates, it is causing us to…
South San Francisco, CA March 3, 2022 While it’s been a long time in the making, the Safeway Shopping Center on Spruce Avenue and El Camino Real in South San Francisco has finally been demolished after standing vacant for…
South San Francisco, CA June 22, 2020 by Catherine Mc I will try to make this short. I am a resident of SSF and a Kaiser member. My question, why did the City take most of the street parking away…